Source code for qbraid.passes.qasm2.compat

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

Module for preprocessing qasm string to before it is passed to parser.

import re

from .decompose import decompose_qasm2

[docs] def remove_qasm_barriers(qasm_str: str) -> str: """Returns a copy of the input QASM with all barriers removed. Args: qasm_str: QASM to remove barriers from. """ quoted_re = r"(?:\"[^\"]*?\")" # Statements separated by semicolons statement_re = r"((?:[^;{}\"]*?" + quoted_re + r"?)*[;{}])?" # Comments begin with a pair of forward slashes and end with a new line comment_re = r"(\n?//[^\n]*(?:\n|$))?" statements_comments = re.findall(statement_re + comment_re, qasm_str) lines = [] # Language is case sensitive. Whitespace is ignored for statement, comment in statements_comments: if re.match(r"^\s*barrier(?:(?:\s+)|(?:;))", statement) is None: lines.append(statement + comment) return "".join(lines)
def _format_qasm_string(qasm_string, skip_pattern): lines = qasm_string.split("\n") formatted_lines = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() # Strip leading and trailing whitespace if skip_pattern.match(line) or line.startswith("//"): # If the line matches the gate definition pattern, add it as is formatted_lines.append(line) else: # Otherwise, split it at semicolons and add each part as a separate line parts = re.split(";[ ]*", line) parts = [part + ";" for part in parts if part] # Remove empty parts formatted_lines.extend(parts) return "\n".join(formatted_lines)
[docs] def unfold_qasm_gate_defs(qasm_string): """Recursively expands gate definitions in the input OpenQASM string.""" # Define regular expression patterns gate_definition_pattern = re.compile( r"gate ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\((.*?)\))? ((q[0-9]+,)*q[0-9]+) {(.*?)}" ) gate_body = "" params_list = [] gate_usage_match = None # Find gate definition and extract its components gate_definition_match = if gate_definition_match: gate_name, _, params, qubits, _, gate_body = gate_definition_match.groups() params_list = [param.strip() for param in params.split(",")] if params is not None else [] qubits = [qubit.strip() for qubit in qubits.split(",")] # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string gate_usage_pattern = re.compile( r"({})(\((.*?)\))? ((q\[([0-9]+)\],)*(q\[([0-9]+)\]));".format(gate_name) ) # Replace parameters with their values in gate body gate_usage_match = while gate_usage_match: groups = gate_usage_match.groups() param_values, qubits_usage = groups[2], groups[3] param_values_list = ( [value.strip() for value in param_values.split(",")] if param_values is not None else [] ) expanded_gate_body = gate_body qubits_usage = [qubit.strip() for qubit in re.findall(r"q\[\d+\]", qubits_usage)] for param, value in zip(params_list, param_values_list): expanded_gate_body = expanded_gate_body.replace(param, value) for qubit, qubit_usage in zip(qubits, qubits_usage): expanded_gate_body = expanded_gate_body.replace(qubit, qubit_usage) # Replace gate usage with the expanded gate body in the input string qasm_string = qasm_string.replace(, expanded_gate_body + ";") # Search for the next gate usage gate_usage_match = # Remove double semicolons qasm_string = _format_qasm_string(qasm_string, gate_definition_pattern) return qasm_string
def _find_gate_line(lines): for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.strip().startswith("gate"): return i return None
[docs] def flatten_qasm_program(qasm_str): """Returns a copy of the input QASM compatible with the :class:`~qbraid.transpiler.cirq.QasmParser`. Conversion includes deconstruction of custom defined gates, and decomposition of unsupported gates/operations. """ # temp hack to fix 'r' replacing last char of 'ecr' qasm_str = qasm_str.replace("ecr", "ecr_") input_str = remove_qasm_barriers(qasm_str) lines = input_str.strip("\n").split("\n") gate_lines = [(i, line) for i, line in enumerate(lines) if line.strip().startswith("gate")] gate_lines.reverse() # Reverse to start removing from the last gate_line_idx = _find_gate_line(lines) # Remove all 'gate' lines for idx, _ in gate_lines: lines.pop(idx) for _, gate_line in gate_lines: # Insert the current 'gate' line for this iteration lines.insert(gate_line_idx, gate_line) new_input = "\n".join(lines) new_input = unfold_qasm_gate_defs(new_input) # call the conversion function lines = new_input.split("\n") # update lines after conversion # Remove the current 'gate' line for the next iteration lines.pop(gate_line_idx) qasm = "\n".join(lines) qasm_out = decompose_qasm2(qasm) return qasm_out
def rename_qasm_registers(qasm: str) -> str: """Returns a copy of the input QASM with all registers renamed to 'q' and 'c'.""" def replace_top_q(m): return f"qreg q[{}];" qasm = re.sub(r"qreg\s+(\w+)\s*\[\s*(\d+)\s*\]\s*;", replace_top_q, qasm) def replace_top_c(m): return f"creg c[{}];" qasm = re.sub(r"creg\s+(\w+)\s*\[\s*(\d+)\s*\]\s*;", replace_top_c, qasm) def replace_bottom_line(m): return f"measure q[{}] -> c[{}];" qasm = re.sub(r"measure\s+(\w+)\[(\d+)\]\s*->\s*(\w+)\[(\d+)\]\s*;", replace_bottom_line, qasm) return qasm