Source code for qbraid.programs.typer

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

Module providing granular type checking for quantum programs
that use Python's built-in types.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Optional, Type, TypeVar

from openqasm3.parser import QASM3ParsingError, parse

from .exceptions import QasmError, ValidationError

IonQDictType = TypeVar("IonQDictType", bound=dict)

[docs] class QbraidMetaType(ABCMeta): """Abstract metaclass for custom program type checking based on built-in types.""" @property @abstractmethod def __alias__(cls) -> Optional[str]: """The program type alias to associate with the class.""" @property @abstractmethod def __bound__(cls) -> Type[Any]: """The built-in type the class is wrapping.""" def __repr__(cls) -> str: return "~" + cls.__name__
class IonQDictInstanceMeta(QbraidMetaType): """Metaclass for IonQ JSON type checking based on dict content.""" @property def __alias__(cls) -> str: return "ionq" @property def __bound__(cls) -> Type[dict]: return dict @staticmethod def _validate_field(single: Any, multiple: Any, field_name: str) -> None: """Helper method to validate single or multiple target/control fields.""" if single is not None and multiple is not None: raise ValidationError( f"Both {field_name} and {field_name}s are set; only one should be provided." ) if single is not None and not isinstance(single, int): raise ValidationError(f"Invalid {field_name}: {single}. Must be an integer.") if multiple is not None and not ( isinstance(multiple, list) and all(isinstance(item, int) for item in multiple) ): raise ValidationError(f"Invalid {field_name}s: {multiple}. Must be a list of integers.") def __instancecheck__(cls, instance: Any) -> bool: """Custom instance checks based on dict format.""" if not isinstance(instance, dict): return False qubits = instance.get("qubits") circuit = instance.get("circuit") if not isinstance(qubits, int) or not isinstance(circuit, list): return False for op in circuit: if not isinstance(op, dict): return False gate = op.get("gate") rotation = op.get("rotation") target, targets = op.get("target"), op.get("targets") control, controls = op.get("control"), op.get("controls") if not isinstance(gate, str): return False if rotation is not None and not isinstance(rotation, (int, float)): return False try: cls._validate_field(target, targets, "target") cls._validate_field(control, controls, "control") except ValidationError: return False return True
[docs] class IonQDict(metaclass=IonQDictInstanceMeta): """Marker class for dict that are valid IonQ JSON formatted programs."""
def extract_qasm_version(qasm: str) -> int: """ Parses an OpenQASM program string to determine its version, either 2 or 3. Args: qasm (str): The OpenQASM program string. Returns: int: The OpenQASM version as an integer. Raises: QasmError: If the string does not represent a valid OpenQASM program. """ qasm = qasm.replace("opaque", "// opaque") # Temporarily mask out the opaque keyword try: parsed_program = parse(qasm) version = int(float(parsed_program.version)) return version except (QASM3ParsingError, ValueError, TypeError) as err: raise QasmError("Could not determine the OpenQASM version.") from err def get_qasm_type_alias(qasm: str) -> str: """ Determines the type alias for an OpenQASM program based on its version. Args: qasm (str): The OpenQASM program string. Returns: str: The QASM version alias ('qasm2' or 'qasm3'). Raises: QasmError: If the string does not represent a valid OpenQASM program. """ try: version = extract_qasm_version(qasm) type_alias = f"qasm{version}" return type_alias except QasmError as err: raise QasmError( "Could not determine the type alias: the OpenQASM program may be invalid." ) from err class BaseQasmInstanceMeta(QbraidMetaType): """Metaclass for OpenQASM type checking based on string content. Attributes: version (Optional[int]): The specific OpenQASM type to check for. """ version: Optional[int] = None @property def __alias__(cls) -> Optional[str]: if isinstance(cls.version, int): return f"qasm{cls.version}" return None @property def __bound__(cls) -> Type[str]: return str def __instancecheck__(cls, instance: Any) -> bool: """Custom instance checks based on OpenQASM type. Args: instance: The object to check. Returns: bool: True if instance is a string matching the OpenQASM type, False otherwise. """ if not isinstance(instance, str): return False try: return extract_qasm_version(instance) == cls.version except QasmError: return False class Qasm2StringMeta(BaseQasmInstanceMeta): """Metaclass for instances representing OpenQASM 2 strings.""" version = 2 class Qasm3StringMeta(BaseQasmInstanceMeta): """Metaclass for instances representing OpenQASM 3 strings.""" version = 3
[docs] class Qasm2String(metaclass=Qasm2StringMeta): """Marker class for strings that are valid OpenQASM 2 programs."""
[docs] class Qasm3String(metaclass=Qasm3StringMeta): """Marker class for strings that are valid OpenQASM 3 programs."""
class QasmStringType(str): """Base class for OpenQASM string types, providing validation upon instantiation.""" version: Optional[int] = None def __new__(cls, value): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("OpenQASM strings must be initialized with a string.") if not extract_qasm_version(value) == cls.version: raise ValueError(f"String does not conform to OpenQASM {cls.version} format.") return str.__new__(cls, value) class Qasm2StringType(QasmStringType): """Specifically typed string for OpenQASM 2 formatted text.""" version = 2 class Qasm3StringType(QasmStringType): """Specifically typed string for OpenQASM 3 formatted text.""" version = 3