Source code for qbraid.runtime.device

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

# pylint:disable=invalid-name

Module defining abstract QuantumDevice Class

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union, cast

from qbraid._logging import logger
from qbraid.programs import (
from qbraid.transpiler import (

from .enums import DeviceStatus, ValidationLevel
from .exceptions import ProgramValidationError, ResourceNotFoundError
from .options import RuntimeOptions

    import qbraid.programs
    import qbraid.runtime
    import qbraid.transpiler

[docs] class QuantumDevice(ABC): """Abstract interface for quantum devices."""
[docs] def __init__( self, profile: qbraid.runtime.TargetProfile, scheme: Optional[ConversionScheme] = None, options: Optional[RuntimeOptions] = None, ): """Create a ``QuantumDevice`` object. Args: profile (TargetProfile): The device runtime profile. scheme (Optional[ConversionScheme]): The conversion graph and options passed to the transpiler at runtime. options (Optional[RuntimeOptions]): Custom options to control the runtime behavior. Adds fields or overrides default values for ``transpile``, ``transform``, and ``validate``. Note that while you can modify these values, their associated validators are fixed and cannot be changed. """ self._profile = profile self._target_spec: Optional[Union[ProgramSpec, list[ProgramSpec]]] = profile.program_spec self._scheme = scheme or ConversionScheme() self._options = self._default_options() if options: self._options.merge(options, override_validators=False)
@property def profile(self) -> qbraid.runtime.TargetProfile: """Return the runtime profile.""" return self._profile @property def id(self) -> str: """Return the device ID.""" return self.profile.device_id @property def num_qubits(self) -> Optional[int]: """The number of qubits supported by the device.""" return self.profile.num_qubits @property def simulator(self) -> bool: """The device type, Simulator, Fake_device or QPU.""" return self.profile.simulator @property def scheme(self) -> ConversionScheme: """Return the conversion scheme.""" if not self._scheme.conversion_graph: self._scheme.update_values(conversion_graph=ConversionGraph(include_isolated=True)) return self._scheme def __repr__(self): """Return a string representation of the device.""" return f"<{self.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}('{}')>" @abstractmethod def status(self) -> qbraid.runtime.DeviceStatus: """Return device status.""" @classmethod def _default_options(cls) -> RuntimeOptions: """Define default options for the QuantumDevice.""" options = RuntimeOptions( transpile=True, transform=True, validate=ValidationLevel.RAISE, prepare=True ) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda options.set_validator("transpile", lambda x: isinstance(x, bool)) options.set_validator("transform", lambda x: isinstance(x, bool)) options.set_validator( "validate", lambda x: isinstance(x, ValidationLevel) or (isinstance(x, int) and 0 <= x <= 2), ) options.set_validator("prepare", lambda x: isinstance(x, bool)) # pylint: enable=unnecessary-lambda return options def set_options(self, **fields): """ Update the runtime options for the QuantumDevice. The runtime options control the default behavior of the `` method, including settings such as transpilation, verification, and transformation. If an unsupported option is provided, an `AttributeError` will be raised. Args: **fields: Keyword arguments representing the runtime options to update. The options must already exist in the device's configuration. Raises: AttributeError: If an invalid runtime option is passed. """ for field, value in fields.items(): if not hasattr(self._options, field): raise AttributeError(f"Options field '{field}' is not valid for this device") if field == "validate" and isinstance( value, bool ): # TODO: Move this to the RuntimeOptions class fields[field] = ValidationLevel.RAISE if value else ValidationLevel.NONE self._options.update_options(**fields) def queue_depth(self) -> int: """Return the number of jobs in the queue for the device.""" raise ResourceNotFoundError("Queue depth is not available for this device.") def avg_queue_time(self) -> int: """Return the average time (in seconds) a job spends in the queue for the device.""" raise ResourceNotFoundError("Average queue time is not available for this device.") def update_scheme(self, **kwargs): """Update the conversion scheme with new values.""" self._scheme.update_values(**kwargs) def metadata(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Returns a dictionary containing selected metadata about the device. The metadata excludes the program specifications, and it includes the device's current status and queue depth. Returns: dict[str, Any]: A dictionary with device status and queue depth among other details. """ metadata = self.profile.model_dump( exclude=["program_spec", "experiment_type", "noise_models"] ) try: metadata["queue_depth"] = self.queue_depth() except ResourceNotFoundError as err: try: metadata["average_queue_time"] = self.avg_queue_time() except ResourceNotFoundError as err: metadata["status"] = self.status().name metadata["paradigm"] = ( self.profile.experiment_type.value if self.profile.experiment_type else None ) if self.simulator is True: metadata["noise_models"] = ( list(self.profile.noise_models) if self.profile.noise_models else None ) options = { key: (value.value if isinstance(value, ValidationLevel) else value) for key, value in dict(self._options).items() } program_spec = self.profile.program_spec if not program_spec: target_ir = None elif isinstance(program_spec, list): target_ir = [ps.alias for ps in program_spec] else: target_ir = program_spec.alias runtime_config = { "target_ir": target_ir, "conversion_scheme": self._scheme.to_dict(), "options": options, } metadata["runtime_config"] = runtime_config return metadata def _get_target_spec(self, run_input: qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM) -> ProgramSpec: run_input_alias = get_program_type_alias(run_input, safe=True) target_specs = ( self._target_spec if isinstance(self._target_spec, list) else [self._target_spec] if self._target_spec else [] ) for target_spec in target_specs: if target_spec.alias == run_input_alias: return target_spec raise ProgramTypeError( message=f"Could not find a target ProgramSpec matching the alias '{run_input_alias}'." ) def transpile( self, run_input: qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM, run_input_spec: qbraid.programs.ProgramSpec ) -> qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM: """Convert circuit to package compatible with target device and pass through any provider transpile methods to match topology of device and/or optimize as applicable. Returns: :data:`~qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM`: Transpiled quantum program Raises: ProgramConversionError: If program conversion fails """ if not self._target_spec:"Skipping transpile: no target ProgramSpec specified in TargetProfile.") return run_input graph = self.scheme.conversion_graph target_specs = ( self._target_spec if isinstance(self._target_spec, list) else [self._target_spec] ) alias_to_spec = {target_spec.alias: target_spec for target_spec in target_specs} ordered_targets = graph.get_sorted_closest_targets( run_input_spec.alias, list(alias_to_spec.keys()) ) ordered_target_specs = [alias_to_spec[alias] for alias in ordered_targets] cached_errors = [] conversion_scheme_fields = self.scheme.to_dict() for target_spec in ordered_target_specs: target_alias = target_spec.alias target_type = target_spec.program_type if run_input_spec.alias == target_alias: return run_input logger.debug( "Transpiling '%s' program to device target program type '%s'", run_input_spec.alias, target_alias, ) try: transpiled_run_input = transpile( run_input, target_alias, **conversion_scheme_fields ) if not ( isinstance(transpiled_run_input, list) and all( isinstance(item, (target_type, type(target_type))) for item in cast(list, transpiled_run_input) ) ) and not isinstance(transpiled_run_input, (target_type, type(target_type))): raise ProgramConversionError( f"Expected transpile step to produce program of type of {target_type}, " f"but instead got program of type {type(transpiled_run_input)}." ) return transpiled_run_input except (ProgramConversionError, ConversionPathNotFoundError) as err: cached_errors.append(err) if len(cached_errors) == 1: raise cached_errors[0] error_messages = "\n".join([str(error) for error in cached_errors]) raise ProgramConversionError( "Transpile step failed after multiple attempts. " f"The following errors occurred:\n{error_messages}" ) def transform(self, run_input: qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM) -> qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM: """ Override this method with any runtime transformations to apply to the run input, e.g. circuit optimizations, device-specific gate set conversions, etc. Program input type should match output type. """ return run_input def validate( self, run_input_batch: list[qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM], suppress_device_warning: bool = False ) -> None: """Verifies run input compatibility with target device. Raises: ProgramValidationError: If the run input is incompatible with the target device. """ level = ValidationLevel(self._options.get("validate", 0)) logger.debug("Validating run input for device at %s", level) if level == ValidationLevel.NONE: return None if not suppress_device_warning and self.status() != DeviceStatus.ONLINE: warnings.warn( "Device is not online. Submitting this job may result in an exception " "or a long wait time.", UserWarning, ) for run_input in run_input_batch: try: program = load_program(run_input) except ProgramLoaderError: "Skipping qubit count validation: program type '%s' not supported natively.", type(run_input).__name__, ) else: if self.num_qubits and program.num_qubits > self.num_qubits: message = ( f"Number of qubits in the circuit ({program.num_qubits}) exceeds " f"the device's capacity ({self.num_qubits})." ) if level == ValidationLevel.RAISE: raise ProgramValidationError(message) if level == ValidationLevel.WARN: warnings.warn(message, UserWarning) if self._target_spec is None: continue target_spec = self._get_target_spec(run_input) try: target_spec.validate(run_input) except ValueError as err: if level == ValidationLevel.RAISE: raise ProgramValidationError(err) from err if level == ValidationLevel.WARN: warnings.warn(str(err), UserWarning) return None def prepare(self, run_input: qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM) -> Any: """Convert the quantum program to an intermediate representation (IR) compatible with the submission format required for the target device and its provider API.""" if self._target_spec is None or not self._options.get("prepare"): return run_input logger.debug("Preparing (i.e. serializing) run input") target_spec = self._get_target_spec(run_input) return target_spec.serialize(run_input) def apply_runtime_profile( self, run_input: qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM ) -> qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM: """Process quantum program before passing to device run method. Returns: Transpiled and transformed quantum program """ if self._target_spec is not None and self._options.get("transpile") is True: run_input_alias = get_program_type_alias(run_input, safe=True) run_input_spec = ProgramSpec(type(run_input), alias=run_input_alias) run_input = self.transpile(run_input, run_input_spec) is_single_output = not isinstance(run_input, list) run_input = [run_input] if is_single_output else run_input if self._options.get("transform") is True: logger.debug("Applying device-specific transformations (no-op in base class)") run_input = [self.transform(p) for p in cast(list, run_input)] self.validate(run_input) run_input = [self.prepare(p) for p in cast(list, run_input)] run_input = run_input[0] if is_single_output else run_input return run_input @abstractmethod def submit( self, run_input: Union[qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM, list[qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM]], *args, **kwargs, ) -> Union[qbraid.runtime.QuantumJob, list[qbraid.runtime.QuantumJob]]: """Vendor run method. Should return dictionary with the following keys.""" def run( self, run_input: Union[qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM, list[qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM]], *args, **kwargs, ) -> Union[qbraid.runtime.QuantumJob, list[qbraid.runtime.QuantumJob]]: """ Run a quantum job or a list of quantum jobs on this quantum device. Args: run_input: A single quantum program or a list of quantum programs to run on the device. Returns: A QuantumJob object or a list of QuantumJob objects corresponding to the input. """ is_single_input = not isinstance(run_input, list) run_input = [run_input] if is_single_input else run_input run_input_compat = [self.apply_runtime_profile(program) for program in run_input] run_input_compat = run_input_compat[0] if is_single_input else run_input_compat logger.debug( "Submitting quantum program %s to device '%s'", "batch" if not is_single_input else "",, ) return self.submit(run_input_compat, *args, **kwargs)