
class ConversionGraph(conversions=None, require_native=False, edge_bias=None)[source]

Class for coordinating conversions between different quantum software programs

Initialize a ConversionGraph instance.

  • conversions (optional, list[Conversion]) – List of conversion edges. If None, default conversion edges are used.

  • require_native (bool) – If True, only include “native” conversion functions. Defaults to False.

  • edge_bias (Optional[float]) – Factor used to fine-tune the edge weight calculations and modify the decision thresholds for pathfinding. Defaults to 0.25 to prioritize shorter paths. For example, a bias of 0.25 slightly favors a single conversion at weight 0.78 over two conversions at weight 1.0. Only used if conversions is None.

__init__(conversions=None, require_native=False, edge_bias=None)[source]

Initialize a ConversionGraph instance.

  • conversions (optional, list[Conversion]) – List of conversion edges. If None, default conversion edges are used.

  • require_native (bool) – If True, only include “native” conversion functions. Defaults to False.

  • edge_bias (Optional[float]) – Factor used to fine-tune the edge weight calculations and modify the decision thresholds for pathfinding. Defaults to 0.25 to prioritize shorter paths. For example, a bias of 0.25 slightly favors a single conversion at weight 0.78 over two conversions at weight 1.0. Only used if conversions is None.


__init__([conversions, require_native, ...])

Initialize a ConversionGraph instance.

add_child(parent, obj, edge, /)

Add a new child node to the graph.

add_conversion(edge[, overwrite])

Add a new conversion function as an edge in the graph.

add_edge(parent, child, edge, /)

Add an edge between 2 nodes.

add_edges_from(obj_list, /)

Add new edges to the dag.

add_edges_from_no_data(obj_list, /)

Add new edges to the dag without python data.

add_node(obj, /)

Add a new node to the graph.

add_nodes_from(obj_list, /)

Add new nodes to the graph.

add_parent(child, obj, edge, /)

Add a new parent node to the dag.

adj(node, /)

Get the index and data for the neighbors of a node.

adj_direction(node, direction, /)

Get the index and data for either the parent or children of a node.

all_paths(source, target)

Return string representations of all conversion paths between two nodes.


Clear all nodes and edges


Clears all edges, leaves nodes intact

closest_target(source, targets)

Determine the closest target from a list of possible targets based on the shortest conversion path and weights.

compose(other, node_map, /[, node_map_func, ...])

Add another PyDiGraph object into this PyDiGraph

contract_nodes(nodes, obj, /[, check_cycle, ...])

Substitute a set of nodes with a single new node.


Get the list of conversion edges.


Create a copy of this graph, returning a new instance of ConversionGraph.


Create a directed graph from a list of conversion functions.


Get an edge index map


Return a list of all edge indices.

edge_indices_from_endpoints(node_a, node_b)

Return a list of indices of all directed edges between specified nodes


Get edge list

edge_subgraph(edge_list, /)

Return a new PyDiGraph object for an edge induced subgraph of this graph


Return a list of all edge data.

extend_from_edge_list(edge_list, /)

Extend graph from an edge list

extend_from_weighted_edge_list(edge_list, /)

Extend graph from a weighted edge list


Filters a graph's edges by some criteria conditioned on a edge's data payload and returns those edges' indices.


Filters a graph's nodes by some criteria conditioned on a node's data payload and returns those nodes' indices.

find_adjacent_node_by_edge(node, predicate, /)

Find a target node with a specific edge

find_node_by_weight(obj, /)

Find node within this graph given a specific weight

find_predecessor_node_by_edge(node, predicate, /)

Find a source node with a specific edge

find_predecessors_by_edge(node, filter_fn, /)

Return a filtered list of predecessor data such that each node has at least one edge data which matches the filter.

find_shortest_conversion_path(source, target)

Find the shortest conversion path between two nodes in a graph.

find_successors_by_edge(node, filter_fn, /)

Return a filtered list of successors data such that each node has at least one edge data which matches the filter.

find_top_shortest_conversion_paths(source, ...)

Find the top shortest conversion paths between two nodes in a graph.

from_adjacency_matrix(matrix, /[, null_value])

Create a new PyDiGraph object from an adjacency matrix with matrix elements of type float

from_complex_adjacency_matrix(matrix, /[, ...])

Create a new PyDiGraph object from an adjacency matrix with matrix elements of type complex

get_all_edge_data(node_a, node_b, /)

Return the edge data for all the edges between 2 nodes.

get_edge_data(node_a, node_b, /)

Return the edge data for an edge between 2 nodes.

get_edge_data_by_index(edge_index, /)

Return the edge data for the edge by its given index

get_edge_endpoints_by_index(edge_index, /)

Return the edge endpoints for the edge by its given index

get_node_data(node, /)

Return the node data for a given node index

has_edge(node_a, node_b)

Check if an edge exists between two nodes in the graph.


Check if a node exists in the graph.


Detect if the graph has parallel edges or not

has_path(source, target)

Check if a conversion between two languages is supported.

in_degree(node, /)

Get the degree of a node for inbound edges.

in_edges(node, /)

Get the index and edge data for all parents of a node.

incident_edge_index_map(node, /[, all_edges])

Return the index map of edges incident to a provided node

incident_edges(node, /[, all_edges])

Return the list of edge indices incident to a provided node

insert_node_on_in_edges(node, ref_node, /)

Insert a node between a reference node and all its predecessor nodes

insert_node_on_in_edges_multiple(node, ...)

Insert a node between a list of reference nodes and all their predecessors

insert_node_on_out_edges(node, ref_node, /)

Insert a node between a reference node and all its successor nodes

insert_node_on_out_edges_multiple(node, ...)

Insert a node between a list of reference nodes and all their successors


Check if the graph is symmetric


Create a list of default conversion nodes using predefined conversion functions.


Make edges in graph symmetric

merge_nodes(u, v, /)

Merge two nodes in the graph.

neighbors(node, /)

Get the neighbors (i.e. successors) of a node.


Return a list of all node indices.


Return a list of all node indices.


Return a list of all node data.


Return the number of edges in the graph


Return the number of nodes in the graph

out_degree(node, /)

Get the degree of a node for outbound edges.

out_edges(node, /)

Get the index and edge data for all children of a node.


Plot the conversion graph.

predecessor_indices(node, /)

Get the predecessor indices of a node.

predecessors(node, /)

Return a list of all the node predecessor data.

read_edge_list(path, /[, comment, ...])

Read an edge list file and create a new PyDiGraph object from the contents

remove_conversion(source, target)

Safely remove a conversion from the graph.

remove_edge(parent, child, /)

Remove an edge between 2 nodes.

remove_edge_from_index(edge, /)

Remove an edge identified by the provided index

remove_edges_from(index_list, /)

Remove edges from the graph.

remove_node(node, /)

Remove a node from the graph.

remove_node_retain_edges(node, /[, ...])

Remove a node from the graph and add edges from all predecessors to all successors

remove_node_retain_edges_by_id(node, /)

Remove a node from the graph and add edges from predecessors to successors in cases where an incoming and outgoing edge have the same weight by Python object identity.

remove_node_retain_edges_by_key(node, /[, ...])

Remove a node from the graph and add edges from predecessors to successors in cases where an incoming and outgoing edge have the same weight by Python object equality.

remove_nodes_from(index_list, /)

Remove nodes from the graph.


Reset the graph to its default state.


Reverse the direction of all edges in the graph, in place.

shortest_path(source, target)

Return string representation of the shortest conversion path between two nodes.

subgraph(nodes, /[, preserve_attrs])

Return a new PyDiGraph object for a subgraph of this graph

substitute_node_with_subgraph(node, other, ...)

Substitute a node with a PyDigraph object

successor_indices(node, /)

Get the successor indices of a node.

successors(node, /)

Return a list of all the node successor data.

to_dot([node_attr, edge_attr, graph_attr, ...])

Generate a dot file from the graph

to_undirected([multigraph, weight_combo_fn])

Generate a new PyGraph object from this graph

update_edge(source, target, edge, /)

Update an edge's weight/payload inplace

update_edge_by_index(edge_index, edge, /)

Update an edge's weight/payload by the edge index


Get edge list with weights

write_edge_list(path, /[, deliminator, ...])

Write an edge list file from the PyDiGraph object




Whether cycle checking is enabled for the DiGraph/DAG.


Whether the graph is a multigraph (allows multiple edges between nodes) or not