Source code for qbraid.runtime.native.device

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

# pylint: disable=arguments-differ

Module defining QbraidDevice class

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union

from qbraid_core.decimal import Credits
from import QuantumClient, QuantumServiceRequestError

from qbraid._entrypoints import get_entrypoints
from qbraid._logging import logger
from qbraid.programs import ExperimentType, ProgramSpec, get_program_type_alias, load_program
from qbraid.runtime.device import QuantumDevice
from qbraid.runtime.enums import DeviceStatus
from qbraid.runtime.exceptions import QbraidRuntimeError
from qbraid.runtime.noise import NoiseModel
from qbraid.runtime.schemas.experiment import QuboSolveParams
from qbraid.runtime.schemas.job import RuntimeJobModel
from qbraid.transpiler import ConversionGraph, transpile

from .job import QbraidJob


    import qbraid.programs
    import qbraid.runtime
    import qbraid.transpiler

[docs] class QbraidDevice(QuantumDevice): """Class to represent a qBraid device."""
[docs] def __init__( self, profile: qbraid.runtime.TargetProfile, client: Optional[] = None, **kwargs, ): """Create a new QbraidDevice object.""" super().__init__(profile=profile, **kwargs) self._client = client or QuantumClient()
@property def client(self) -> QuantumClient: """Return the QuantumClient object.""" return self._client def __str__(self): """String representation of the QbraidDevice object.""" return f"{self.__class__.__name__}('{}')" def status(self) -> qbraid.runtime.DeviceStatus: """Return device status.""" device_data = self.client.get_device( status: Optional[str] = device_data.get("status") if not status: raise QbraidRuntimeError("Failed to retrieve device status") return DeviceStatus(status.lower()) def queue_depth(self) -> int: """Return the number of jobs in the queue for the backend""" device_data = self.client.get_device( pending_jobs = device_data.get("pendingJobs", 0) return int(pending_jobs) def submit( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, run_input: dict[str, Union[bytes, str]], memory: bool = False, preflight: bool = False, shots: Optional[int] = None, tags: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, entrypoint: Optional[str] = None, noise_model: Optional[str] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, backend: Optional[str] = None, params: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, error_mitigation: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> qbraid.runtime.QbraidJob: """ Creates a qBraid Quantum Job. Args: run_input (dict[str, Union[bytes, str]]): Dictionary containing QIR bytecode or OpenQASM string to be run on the device. memory (bool, optional): Whether to retain the individual shot results. Only applicable for certain devices. Defaults to False. preflight (bool, optional): Whether to run the job in preflight mode. Only applicable for certain devices. Defaults to False. shots (int, optional): The number of times to repeat the execution of the program. Default value varies by device. tags (dict, optional): A dictionary of tags to associate with the job. entrypoint (str, optional): Name of the entrypoint function to execute. Only applicable if run_input is a QIR module. Defaults to None. noise_model (str, optional): The noise model to apply to the job. Only applicable if device supports noisey simulation. Defaults to None. seed (int, optional): The seed to use for the random number generator. Only applicable for certain devices. Defaults to None. timeout (int, optional): The maximum time in seconds to wait for the job to complete after execution has started. Defaults to None. backend (str, optional): The backend to use for the job. Only applicable for simulator devices that support multiple backend executables. Defaults to None. params (dict, optional): Additional parameters to include in the job payload. error_mitigation (dict, optional): Dictionary containing error mitigation parameters. Only applicable for certain devices. Defaults to None. Returns: QbraidJob: The job objects representing the submitted job. See Also: """ tags = tags or {} tags_json = json.dumps(tags) error_mitig_json = json.dumps(error_mitigation) if error_mitigation else None params_json = QuboSolveParams(**params).model_dump_json() if params else None payload = { "qbraidDeviceId":, "tags": tags_json, "shots": shots, "seed": seed, "entrypoint": entrypoint, "timeout": timeout, "noiseModel": noise_model, "memory": memory, "preflight": preflight, "backend": backend, "params": params_json, "errorMitigation": error_mitig_json, **run_input, } job_data = self.client.create_job(data=payload) payload.update(job_data) payload["tags"] = tags payload["params"] = params payload["errorMitigation"] = error_mitigation job_model = RuntimeJobModel.from_dict(payload) model_dump = job_model.model_dump(exclude={"metadata", "cost"}) return QbraidJob(**model_dump, device=self, client=self.client) def try_extracting_info(self, func, error_message): """Try to extract information from a function/attribute, logging an error if it fails.""" try: return func() except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught"%s: %s. Field will be omitted in job metadata.", error_message, str(err)) return None def _extract_qasm_rep( self, program: qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM, program_spec: ProgramSpec ) -> Optional[str]: """Populate the qasm info in the payload.""" if program_spec.alias in ["qasm2", "qasm3"]: return program aux_graph = ConversionGraph() closest_qasm = aux_graph.closest_target(program_spec.alias, ["qasm2", "qasm3"]) if closest_qasm is None: return None return transpile(program, closest_qasm, conversion_graph=aux_graph) def _construct_aux_payload( self, program: qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM, program_spec: Optional[ProgramSpec] = None ) -> dict[str, Union[int, str]]: """Construct auxiliary payload for the job submission.""" aux_payload = {} if program_spec is None: program_alias = get_program_type_alias(program, safe=True) program_spec = ProgramSpec(type(program), alias=program_alias) if program_spec.native is False: return aux_payload qbraid_program = load_program(program) payload_key = { ExperimentType.GATE_MODEL: "circuitNumQubits", ExperimentType.ANNEALING: "numVariables", ExperimentType.AHS: "numAtoms", } num_required_qubits = self.try_extracting_info( lambda program=qbraid_program: program.num_qubits, "Error calculating circuit number of qubits.", ) key = payload_key.get(program_spec.experiment_type) if num_required_qubits is not None and key: aux_payload[key] = num_required_qubits if program_spec.experiment_type != ExperimentType.GATE_MODEL: return aux_payload aux_payload["circuitDepth"] = self.try_extracting_info( lambda program=qbraid_program: program.depth, "Error calculating circuit depth." ) aux_payload["openQasm"] = self.try_extracting_info( lambda program=program, program_spec=program_spec: self._extract_qasm_rep( program, program_spec ), "Error extracting OpenQASM string representation.", ) return aux_payload def _resolve_noise_model(self, noise_model: Union[NoiseModel, str]) -> str: """Verify given noise model is supported by device and map to string representation.""" if self.profile.noise_models is None: raise ValueError("Noise models are not supported by this device.") if isinstance(noise_model, NoiseModel): noise_model = noise_model.value elif not isinstance(noise_model, str): raise ValueError( f"Invalid type for noise model: {type(noise_model)}. Expected str or NoiseModel." ) if noise_model not in self.profile.noise_models: raise ValueError(f"Noise model '{noise_model}' not supported by device.") return self.profile.noise_models.get(noise_model).name def _resolve_qubo_params(self, params: Union[QuboSolveParams, dict]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Resolve QUBO solve parameters to a dictionary.""" if self.profile.experiment_type != ExperimentType.ANNEALING: raise ValueError("QUBO solve parameters are only supported for annealing devices.") if isinstance(params, QuboSolveParams): params = params.model_dump() elif not isinstance(params, dict): raise ValueError( f"Invalid type for QUBO solve parameters: {type(params)}. " "Expected dict or QuboSolveParams." ) return params @staticmethod def _validate_run_input_payload( payload: Union[dict[str, Any], Any], target_spec: Optional[ProgramSpec] ) -> None: """Raises an exception if the transformed run input is not a dictionary.""" if not isinstance(payload, dict): error_message = ( "Run input transform failed{}. If the issue persists, " "please submit a bug report at" ) if target_spec is None: error_message = error_message.format( " due to missing target ProgramSpec. Ensure all required " "dependency extras for this device are installed, and try again" ) else: error_message = error_message.format( ", likely due to corrupted target ProgramSpec. Use QbraidProvider.get_device() " "to re-instantiate the device object, and try again" ) raise QbraidRuntimeError(error_message) @staticmethod def _all_target_specs_native(program_spec: ProgramSpec | list[ProgramSpec] | None) -> bool: """Returns True if all of the given ProgramSpec's are natively supported by qBraid.""" entrypoints = get_entrypoints("programs") specs = [program_spec] if isinstance(program_spec, ProgramSpec) else program_spec or [] return all(spec.native and spec.alias in entrypoints for spec in specs) def run( self, run_input: Union[qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM, list[qbraid.programs.QPROGRAM]], shots: Optional[int] = None, tags: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[qbraid.runtime.QbraidJob, list[qbraid.runtime.QbraidJob]]: """ Run a quantum job or a list of quantum jobs on this quantum device. Args: run_input (Union[QPROGRAM, list[QPROGRAM]]): A single quantum program or a list of quantum programs to run on the device. shots (optional, int): The number of times to repeat the execution of the program. Default value varies by device. tags (optional, dict): A dictionary of tags to associate with the job. **kwargs: Additional json data to include in the job submission payload. Returns: A QuantumJob object or a list of QuantumJob objects corresponding to the input. Raises: ValueError: If any protected dynamic parameters are specified in the kwargs. """ dynamic_params = { "openQasm": None, "ionqCircuit": None, "bitcode": None, "problem": None, "numVariables": None, "numAtoms": None, "circuitNumQubits": None, "circuitDepth": None, } forbidden_keys = set(dynamic_params.keys()) if any(key in kwargs for key in forbidden_keys): raise ValueError( f"You cannot specify {', '.join(forbidden_keys)} " "as they are dynamically determined." ) if not isinstance(run_input, list): run_input_list = [run_input] is_single_input = True else: run_input_list = run_input is_single_input = False noise_model: Optional[Union[NoiseModel, str]] = kwargs.get("noise_model") if noise_model: kwargs["noise_model"] = self._resolve_noise_model(noise_model) params: Optional[Union[QuboSolveParams, dict]] = kwargs.get("params") if params: kwargs["params"] = self._resolve_qubo_params(params) jobs: list[qbraid.runtime.QbraidJob] = [] native_target = self._all_target_specs_native(self._target_spec) transpile_option = self._target_spec is not None and self._options.get("transpile") is True for i, program in enumerate(run_input_list): aux_payload = {} program_spec = None if transpile_option or not native_target: program_alias = get_program_type_alias(program, safe=True) program_spec = ProgramSpec(type(program), alias=program_alias) if not native_target: aux_payload = self._construct_aux_payload(program, program_spec) if transpile_option: program = self.transpile(program, program_spec) is_batched_output = is_single_input and isinstance(program, list) program_batch = program if is_batched_output else [program] self.validate(program_batch, suppress_device_warning=i != 0) for program in program_batch: if native_target: aux_payload = self._construct_aux_payload(program, program_spec) run_input_json = self.prepare(program) self._validate_run_input_payload(run_input_json, self._target_spec) runtime_payload = {**aux_payload, **run_input_json} job = self.submit(run_input=runtime_payload, shots=shots, tags=tags, **kwargs) jobs.append(job) return jobs[0] if is_single_input else jobs def estimate_cost( self, shots: Optional[int], execution_time: Optional[Union[float, int]] ) -> Credits: """Estimate the cost of running a quantum job on this device in qBraid credits, where 1 credit equals $0.01 USD. The estimated cost is based on the device's pricing model, which may include charges per task, per shot, and/or per minute. *Note*: The actual price charged may differ from this calculation. Visit for the latest pricing information and details about qBraid credits. Args: shots (int, optional): The number of quantum circuit executions in the quantum job. execution_time (Union[float, int], optional): The estimated time (in minutes) to complete the quantum job. Returns: Credits: The estimated cost for the quantum job in qBraid credits. Raises: ValueError: If `shots` and `execution_time` are None or 0, or if either is negative. QbraidRuntimeError: If unable to retrieve the cost estimate from the qBraid API. """ if not shots: shots = None if not execution_time: execution_time = None if shots is None and execution_time is None: raise ValueError( "At least one of 'shots' or 'execution_time' must be provided to estimate cost." ) if shots is not None: if not isinstance(shots, int) or shots < 0: raise ValueError("'shots' must be a non-negative integer.") if execution_time is not None: if not isinstance(execution_time, (int, float)) or execution_time < 0: raise ValueError("'execution_time' must be a non-negative number.") try: cost = self.client.estimate_cost(, shots, execution_time) except QuantumServiceRequestError as err: if self.profile.provider_name == "IonQ" and not self.profile.simulator: raise NotImplementedError( "Cost estimation is not yet supported for IonQ QPUs." ) from err raise QbraidRuntimeError( "Failed to estimate cost due to a service request error." ) from err return Credits(cost)