Source code for qbraid.runtime.native.provider

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

Module defining QbraidProvider class.

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Optional, Union

from qbraid_core.exceptions import AuthError
from import QuantumClient, QuantumServiceRequestError, process_job_data

from qbraid._caching import cached_method
from qbraid.passes.qasm.analyze import has_measurements
from qbraid.passes.qasm.format import format_qasm
from qbraid.programs import QPROGRAM_REGISTRY, ExperimentType, ProgramSpec, load_program
from qbraid.programs.typer import Qasm2StringType, Qasm3StringType, QuboCoefficientsDict
from qbraid.runtime._display import display_jobs_from_data
from qbraid.runtime.exceptions import ResourceNotFoundError
from qbraid.runtime.ionq.provider import IonQProvider
from qbraid.runtime.noise import NoiseModelSet
from qbraid.runtime.profile import TargetProfile
from qbraid.runtime.provider import QuantumProvider
from qbraid.runtime.schemas.device import DeviceData
from qbraid.transpiler.conversions.openqasm3.openqasm3_to_ionq import openqasm3_to_ionq

from .device import QbraidDevice

    import pyqir
    import pyqubo

    from qbraid.programs.annealing.cpp_pyqubo import PyQuboModel
    from qbraid.programs.annealing.qubo import QuboProgram

def _pyqir_to_json(program: pyqir.Module) -> dict[str, bytes]:
    return {"bitcode": program.bitcode}

def _qasm_to_json(
    program: Union[Qasm2StringType, Qasm3StringType]
) -> dict[str, Union[Qasm2StringType, Qasm3StringType]]:
    return {"openQasm": format_qasm(program)}

def _qubo_to_json(program: Union[pyqubo.Model, QuboCoefficientsDict]) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]:
    program: Union[PyQuboModel, QuboProgram] = load_program(program)
    return {"problem": program.to_json()}

def validate_qasm_no_measurements(
    program: Union[Qasm2StringType, Qasm3StringType], device_id: str
) -> None:
    """Raises a ValueError if the given OpenQASM program contains measurement gates."""
    if has_measurements(program):
        raise ValueError(
            f"OpenQASM programs submitted to the {device_id} cannot contain measurement gates."

def validate_qasm_to_ionq(program: Union[Qasm2StringType, Qasm3StringType], device_id: str) -> None:
    """Raises a ValueError if the given OpenQASM program is not compatible with IonQ JSON format."""
    except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught
        raise ValueError(
            f"OpenQASM programs submitted to the {device_id} "
            "must be compatible with IonQ JSON format."
        ) from err

def get_program_spec_lambdas(
    program_type_alias: str, device_id: str
) -> dict[str, Optional[Callable[[Any], None]]]:
    """Returns conversion and validation functions for the given program type and device."""
    lambdas = {
        "pyqir": (_pyqir_to_json, None),
        "qasm2": (_qasm_to_json, None),
        "qasm3": (_qasm_to_json, None),
        "cpp_pyqubo": (_qubo_to_json, None),
        "qubo": (_qubo_to_json, None),

    to_ir, validate = lambdas.get(program_type_alias, (None, None))

    if program_type_alias in ["qasm2", "qasm3"]:
        device_prefix = device_id.split("_")[0]
        # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda-assignment
        if device_prefix == "quera":
            validate = lambda program: validate_qasm_no_measurements(program, device_id)
        elif device_prefix == "ionq":
            validate = lambda program: validate_qasm_to_ionq(program, device_id)
        # pylint: enable=unnecessary-lambda-assignment

    return {"to_ir": to_ir, "validate": validate}

[docs] class QbraidProvider(QuantumProvider): """ This class is responsible for managing the interactions and authentications with qBraid Quantum services. Attributes: client ( qBraid QuantumClient object """
[docs] def __init__(self, api_key: Optional[str] = None, client: Optional[QuantumClient] = None): """ Initializes the QbraidProvider object """ if api_key and client: raise ValueError("Provide either api_key or client, not both.") self._api_key = api_key self._client = client
def save_config(self, **kwargs): """Save the current configuration.""" self.client.session.save_config(**kwargs) @property def client(self) -> QuantumClient: """Return the QuantumClient object.""" if self._client is None: try: self._client = QuantumClient(api_key=self._api_key) except AuthError as err: raise ResourceNotFoundError( "Failed to authenticate with the Quantum service." ) from err return self._client @staticmethod def _get_program_spec(run_package: Optional[str], device_id: str) -> Optional[ProgramSpec]: """Return the program spec for the given run package and device.""" if not run_package: return None program_type = QPROGRAM_REGISTRY.get(run_package) if program_type is None: warnings.warn( f"The default runtime configuration for device '{device_id}' includes " f"transpilation to program type '{run_package}', which is not registered.", RuntimeWarning, ) lambdas = get_program_spec_lambdas(run_package, device_id) return ProgramSpec(program_type, alias=run_package, **lambdas) if program_type else None @staticmethod def _get_basis_gates(device_data: dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[list[str]]: """Return the basis gates for the qBraid device.""" provider = device_data["provider"] if provider == "IonQ": ionq_id = device_data["objArg"] return IonQProvider._get_basis_gates(ionq_id) return None def _build_runtime_profile(self, device_data: dict[str, Any]) -> TargetProfile: """Builds a runtime profile from qBraid device data.""" model = DeviceData(**device_data) simulator = str(model.device_type).upper() == "SIMULATOR" program_spec = self._get_program_spec(model.run_package, model.device_id) noise_models = ( NoiseModelSet.from_iterable(model.noise_models) if model.noise_models else None ) device_exp_type = "gate_model" if model.paradigm == "gate-based" else model.paradigm.lower() experiment_type = ExperimentType(device_exp_type) basis_gates = self._get_basis_gates(device_data) return TargetProfile( device_id=model.device_id, simulator=simulator, experiment_type=experiment_type, num_qubits=model.num_qubits, program_spec=program_spec, provider_name=model.provider, noise_models=noise_models,, pricing=model.pricing, basis_gates=basis_gates, ) @cached_method(ttl=120) def get_devices(self, **kwargs) -> list[QbraidDevice]: """Return a list of devices matching the specified filtering.""" query = kwargs or {} query["vendor"] = "qBraid" try: device_data_lst = self.client.search_devices(query) except (ValueError, QuantumServiceRequestError) as err: raise ResourceNotFoundError("No devices found matching given criteria.") from err profiles = [self._build_runtime_profile(device_data) for device_data in device_data_lst] return [QbraidDevice(profile, client=self.client) for profile in profiles] @cached_method(ttl=120) def get_device(self, device_id: str) -> QbraidDevice: """Return quantum device corresponding to the specified qBraid device ID. Returns: QuantumDevice: the quantum device corresponding to the given ID Raises: ResourceNotFoundError: if device cannot be loaded from quantum service data """ try: device_data = self.client.get_device(qbraid_id=device_id) except (ValueError, QuantumServiceRequestError) as err: raise ResourceNotFoundError(f"Device '{device_id}' not found.") from err profile = self._build_runtime_profile(device_data) return QbraidDevice(profile, client=self.client) # pylint: disable-next=too-many-arguments def display_jobs( self, device_id: Optional[str] = None, provider: Optional[str] = None, status: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[dict] = None, max_results: int = 10, ): """Displays a list of quantum jobs submitted by user, tabulated by job ID, the date/time it was submitted, and status. You can specify filters to narrow the search by supplying a dictionary containing the desired criteria. Args: device_id (optional, str): The qBraid ID of the device used in the job. provider (optional, str): The name of the provider. tags (optional, dict): A list of tags associated with the job. status (optional, str): The status of the job. max_results (optional, int): Maximum number of results to display. Defaults to 10. """ query: dict[str, Any] = {} if provider: query["provider"] = provider.lower() if device_id: query["qbraidDeviceId"] = device_id if status: query["status"] = status if tags: query.update({f"tags.{key}": value for key, value in tags.items()}) if max_results: query["resultsPerPage"] = max_results jobs = self.client.search_jobs(query) job_data, msg = process_job_data(jobs, query) return display_jobs_from_data(job_data, msg) def __hash__(self): if not hasattr(self, "_hash"): user_metadata = self.client._user_metadata organization_role = f'{user_metadata["organization"]}-{user_metadata["role"]}' hash_value = hash( (self.__class__.__name__, self.client.session.api_key, organization_role) ) object.__setattr__(self, "_hash", hash_value) return self._hash # pylint: disable=no-member