Source code for qbraid.runtime.schemas.experiment

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

Module defining qBraid runtime experiment schemas.

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import Counter
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, field_validator, model_validator

from qbraid.programs import load_program
from qbraid.programs.typer import Qasm2String, Qasm3String

    from typing_extensions import Self

[docs] class ExperimentMetadata(BaseModel): """Base class for experiment metadata. This class serves as a base for more specific experiment metadata classes. """ model_config = ConfigDict(extra="allow")
[docs] class GateModelExperimentMetadata(BaseModel): """Metadata specific to gate-model experiments, i.e. experiments defined using an intermediate representation (IR) that is compatible with OpenQASM. Attributes: measurement_counts (Counter): Counter for measurement outcomes. measurements (list, optional): Optional list of measurement results. qasm (str, optional): OpenQASM string representation of the quantum circuit. num_qubits (int, optional): Number of qubits used in the circuit. gate_depth (int, optional): Depth of the quantum circuit (i.e. length of critical path) """ measurement_counts: Optional[Counter] = Field(None, alias="measurementCounts") measurements: Optional[list] = None qasm: Optional[str] = Field(None, alias="openQasm") num_qubits: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias="circuitNumQubits") gate_depth: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias="circuitDepth") @field_validator("measurement_counts") @classmethod def validate_counts(cls, value): """Validates and ensures that the measurement counts are a Counter object. Args: value: The measurement counts. Returns: Counter: A validated counter object. """ return Counter(value) @field_validator("qasm") @classmethod def validate_qasm(cls, value): """Validates that the provided QASM is valid. Args: value: The QASM string. Returns: The validated QASM string. Raises: ValueError: If the QASM string is not valid. """ if value is None: return value if not isinstance(value, (Qasm2String, Qasm3String)): raise ValueError("openQasm must be a valid OpenQASM string.") return value @model_validator(mode="after") def set_qubits_and_depth(self) -> Self: """Sets the number of qubits and gate depth if not already provided. Returns: Self: The updated instance with qubits and depth set. """ if self.qasm and (self.num_qubits is None or self.gate_depth is None): program = load_program(self.qasm) self.num_qubits = self.num_qubits or program.num_qubits self.gate_depth = self.gate_depth or program.depth # type: ignore return self
[docs] class QbraidQirSimulationMetadata(GateModelExperimentMetadata): """Result data specific to jobs submitted to the qBraid QIR simulator. Attributes: backend_version (str, optional): The version of the simulator backend. seed (int, optional): The seed used for the simulation. """ backend_version: Optional[str] = Field(None, alias="runnerVersion") seed: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias="runnerSeed")
[docs] class QuEraQasmSimulationMetadata(GateModelExperimentMetadata): """Result data specific to jobs submitted to the QuEra QASM simulator. Attributes: backend (str, optional): The name of the backend used for the simulation. flair_visual_version (str, optional): The version of the Flair Visual tool used to generate the atom animation state data. atom_animation_state (dict, optional): JSON data representing the state of the QPU atoms used in the simulation. logs (list, optional): list of log messages generated during the simulation. """ backend: Optional[str] = None quera_simulation_result: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None
[docs] class AhsExperimentMetadata(BaseModel): """Metadata specific to Analog Hamiltonian Simulation (AHS) experiments. Attributes: measurement_counts (Counter): Counter for measurement outcomes measurements (list, optional): Optional list of measurement results num_atoms (int, optional): Number of atoms (sites) used to build lattice structure sites (list[tuple[float, float]], optional): Vector positions of atoms in meters filling (list[int], optional): List of ints {0,1} indicating the filling status at each site """ measurement_counts: Optional[Counter] = Field(None, alias="measurementCounts") measurements: Optional[list[dict[str, Union[bool, Optional[list[int]]]]]] = None num_atoms: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias="numAtoms") sites: Optional[list[tuple[float, float]]] = None filling: Optional[list[int]] = None @field_validator("filling") @classmethod def validate_filling(cls, value): """Validates and ensures that the fillings are integers 0 or 1. Args: value: The filling status at each site. Returns: list[int]: A validated list of integers. """ if value is None: return value def validate_item(item): int_item = int(item) if int_item not in {0, 1}: raise ValueError(f"Invalid filling value: {item}. Must be 0 or 1.") return int_item try: return [validate_item(filling) for filling in value] except ValueError as err: raise ValueError( "Invalid filling value. Must be a list of integers, each either 0 or 1." ) from err @model_validator(mode="after") def validate_ahs(self) -> Self: """Validates that the sites, filling, and num_atoms lengths match. Returns: Self: The updated instance with validated lengths. """ lengths = { "sites": len(self.sites) if self.sites else None, "filling": len(self.filling) if self.filling else None, "num_atoms": self.num_atoms, } filtered_lengths = {k: v for k, v in lengths.items() if v is not None} if len(set(filtered_lengths.values())) > 1: mismatched = ", ".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in filtered_lengths.items()) raise ValueError( "The lengths of 'sites', 'filling', and value of 'num_atoms' must be consistent. " f"Detected mismatched values: {mismatched}" ) if self.num_atoms is None and filtered_lengths: self.num_atoms = next(iter(filtered_lengths.values())) return self
[docs] class AnnealingExperimentMetadata(BaseModel): """Metadata specific to annealing experiments.""" solutions: Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]] = None num_solutions: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias="solutionCount") energies: Optional[list[float]] = None num_variables: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias="numVariables")
[docs] class QuboSolveParams(BaseModel): """Parameters for solving a QUBO problem using NEC VA algorithm. Attributes: offset (float): Offset for the normalized weight information stored in the QUBO. num_reads (Optional[int]): VA sampling rate. Must be between 1 and 20. Default is 1. num_results (Optional[int]): Number of VA annealing results. Returns only the optimal solution when 1 or None is specified. Default is 1. num_sweeps (Optional[int]): Number of VA annealing sweeps. Must be between 1 and 100000. Default is 500. beta_range (Optional[tuple[float, float, int]]): VA beta value in (start, end, steps) format. Default is (10.0, 100.0, 200). beta_list (Optional[list[float]]): Beta value array for each VA sweep. dense (Optional[bool]): VA matrix mode. True for dense matrix mode, False for sparse matrix mode. Default is None. vector_mode (Optional[str]): Mode during VA annealing. Options are 'speed' for speed priority or 'accuracy' for accuracy priority. Default is 'accuracy'. timeout (Optional[int]): Job execution timeout in seconds. Standard range is between 1 and 7200. Default is 1800. ve_num (Optional[int]): Number of VEs used in VA annealing. Must be between 1 and the number of VEs installed on each server. onehot (Optional[list[list[str]]]): VA onehot constraint. fixed (Optional[Union[dict[str, int], list[list[Union[str, int]]]]): VA fixed constraint. andzero (Optional[list[list[str]]]): VA andzero constraint. orone (Optional[list[list[str]]]): VA orone constraint. supplement (Optional[list[list[str]]]): VA supplement constraint. maxone (Optional[list[list[Union[int, list[str]]]]): VA maxone constraint. minmaxone (Optional[list[list[Union[int, list[str]]]]): VA minmaxone constraint. init_spin (Optional[Union[dict[str, int], list[list[Union[str, int]]]]): VA initial spin parameter. spin_list (Optional[list[str]]): VA spin list parameter. """ offset: float num_reads: Optional[int] = 1 num_results: Optional[int] = 1 num_sweeps: Optional[int] = 500 beta_range: Optional[tuple[float, float, int]] = (10.0, 100.0, 200) beta_list: Optional[list[float]] = None dense: Optional[bool] = None vector_mode: Optional[str] = "accuracy" timeout: Optional[int] = 1800 ve_num: Optional[int] = None onehot: Optional[list[list[str]]] = None fixed: Optional[Union[dict[str, int], list[list[Union[str, int]]]]] = None andzero: Optional[list[list[str]]] = None orone: Optional[list[list[str]]] = None supplement: Optional[list[list[str]]] = None maxone: Optional[list[list[Union[int, list[str]]]]] = None minmaxone: Optional[list[list[Union[int, list[str]]]]] = None init_spin: Optional[Union[dict[str, int], list[list[Union[str, int]]]]] = None spin_list: Optional[list[str]] = None @field_validator("offset") @classmethod def validate_offset(cls, value): """Validate the offset value.""" if not -3.402823e38 <= value <= 3.402823e38: raise ValueError("offset must be between -3.402823e+38 and 3.402823e+38") return value @field_validator("num_reads") @classmethod def validate_num_reads(cls, value): """Validate the num_reads value.""" if value is not None and not 1 <= value <= 20: raise ValueError("num_reads must be between 1 and 20") return value @field_validator("num_sweeps") @classmethod def validate_num_sweeps(cls, value): """Validate the num_sweeps value.""" if value is not None and not 1 <= value <= 100000: raise ValueError("num_sweeps must be between 1 and 100000") return value @field_validator("beta_range") @classmethod def validate_beta_range(cls, value): """Validate the beta_range value.""" start, end, steps = value min_value = 1.1754945e-38 max_value = 3.402823e38 if not min_value <= start <= max_value: raise ValueError(f"start value must be between {min_value} and {max_value}") if not min_value <= end <= max_value: raise ValueError(f"end value must be between {min_value} and {max_value}") if start > end: raise ValueError("start value must be less than or equal to end value") if not 1 <= steps <= 100000: raise ValueError("steps must be between 1 and 100000") return value @field_validator("beta_list") @classmethod def validate_beta_list(cls, value): """Validate the beta_list value.""" if value is None: return value min_value = 1.1754945e-38 max_value = 3.402823e38 for beta in value: if not min_value <= beta <= max_value: raise ValueError( f"All beta values must be between {min_value} and {max_value}. " f"Found invalid value: {beta}" ) return value @field_validator("timeout") @classmethod def validate_timeout(cls, value): """Validate the timeout value.""" if value is not None and not 1 <= value <= 7200: raise ValueError("timeout must be between 1 and 7200 seconds") return value @field_validator("vector_mode") @classmethod def validate_vector_mode(cls, value): """Validate the vector_mode value.""" if value is not None and value not in {"speed", "accuracy"}: raise ValueError("vector_mode must be 'speed' or 'accuracy'") return value @field_validator("ve_num") @classmethod def validate_ve_num(cls, value): """Validate the ve_num value.""" if value is not None and value < 1: raise ValueError("ve_num must be greater than or equal to 1") return value