Source code for qbraid.runtime.schemas.job

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

Module defining qBraid runtime job schemas.

from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Optional, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, field_validator

from qbraid.programs import ExperimentType
from qbraid.runtime.enums import JobStatus

from .base import Credits, QbraidSchemaBase
from .experiment import (

[docs] class TimeStamps(BaseModel): """Model for capturing time-related information in an experiment. Attributes: createdAt (datetime): Timestamp when the job was created. endedAt (datetime, optional): Timestamp when the job ended. executionDuration (int, optional): Duration of execution in milliseconds. """ createdAt: datetime endedAt: Optional[datetime] = None executionDuration: Optional[int] = Field( default=None, ge=0, description="Execution time in milliseconds" ) @field_validator("createdAt", "endedAt", mode="before") @classmethod def parse_datetimes(cls, value): """Parses the timestamps into datetime objects. Args: value: The timestamp string. Returns: datetime: Parsed datetime object or None if value is not provided. """ if value: return datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") return value
[docs] class RuntimeJobModel(QbraidSchemaBase): """Represents a runtime job in the qBraid platform. Attributes: job_id (str): The unique identifier for the job. device_id (str): The identifier of the quantum device used. status (JobStatus): The current status of the job. shots (Optional[int]): The number of shots for the quantum experiment. experiment_type (str): The type of experiment conducted. queue_position (Optional[int]): The position of the job in the queue. metadata (Union[QbraidExperimentMetadata, ExperimentMetadata]): Metadata associated with the experiment. time_stamps (TimeStamps): Time-related information about the job. tags (dict[str, str]): Custom tags associated with the job. cost (Credits, optional): The cost of the job in qBraid credits. preflight (bool): Flag indicating if the job was run in preflight mode. """ model_config = ConfigDict(frozen=True, use_enum_values=False) VERSION: ClassVar[float] = 1.0 job_id: str = Field(..., alias="qbraidJobId") device_id: str = Field(..., alias="qbraidDeviceId") status: JobStatus status_text: Optional[str] = Field(None, alias="statusText") shots: Optional[int] = Field(None, ge=0) experiment_type: ExperimentType = Field(..., alias="experimentType") queue_position: Optional[int] = Field(None, ge=0, alias="queuePosition") metadata: Union[ QbraidQirSimulationMetadata, QuEraQasmSimulationMetadata, GateModelExperimentMetadata, AnnealingExperimentMetadata, AhsExperimentMetadata, ExperimentMetadata, ] time_stamps: TimeStamps = Field(..., alias="timeStamps") tags: dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]] = Field(default_factory=dict) cost: Optional[Credits] = Field(None, ge=0, alias="cost") preflight: bool = False @field_validator("status", mode="before") @classmethod def validate_status(cls, value): """Ensure the status is a valid JobStatus enum value.""" members = {status.value for status in list(JobStatus)} if value not in members: raise ValueError(f"Invalid status: '{value}'. Must be one of {members}.") return value @field_validator("experiment_type", mode="before") @classmethod def validate_experiment_type(cls, value): """Ensure the experiment_type is a valid ExperimentType enum value.""" members = {exp_type.value for exp_type in list(ExperimentType)} if value not in members: raise ValueError(f"Invalid experiment_type: '{value}'. Must be one of {members}.") return value @staticmethod def _get_metadata_model( experiment_type: ExperimentType, device_id: Optional[str] ) -> type[ExperimentMetadata]: """Determine the appropriate metadata model based on experiment type and device ID.""" native_gate_models = { "qbraid_qir_simulator": QbraidQirSimulationMetadata, "quera_qasm_simulator": QuEraQasmSimulationMetadata, } if experiment_type == ExperimentType.GATE_MODEL: return native_gate_models.get(device_id, GateModelExperimentMetadata) if experiment_type == ExperimentType.ANNEALING: return AnnealingExperimentMetadata if experiment_type == ExperimentType.AHS: return AhsExperimentMetadata return ExperimentMetadata @staticmethod def _populate_metadata( job_data: dict[str, Any], experiment_type: ExperimentType ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Populates metadata in the job data based on the experiment type. Args: job_data (dict): The original job data. experiment_type (ExperimentType): The type of experiment being processed. Returns: dict[str, Any]: The updated job data with the appropriate metadata fields populated. """ model = RuntimeJobModel._get_metadata_model(experiment_type, job_data.get("qbraidDeviceId")) if experiment_type in { ExperimentType.GATE_MODEL, ExperimentType.ANNEALING, ExperimentType.AHS, }: keys = {field.alias or name for name, field in model.model_fields.items()} metadata = {key: job_data.pop(key, None) for key in keys} job_data["metadata"] = model(**metadata) return job_data model_keys = {field.alias or name for name, field in RuntimeJobModel.model_fields.items()} restructured_job_data: dict[str, Any] = {} derived_metadata: dict[str, Any] = {} for key, value in job_data.items(): if key in model_keys: restructured_job_data[key] = value else: derived_metadata[key] = value restructured_job_data["metadata"] = model(**derived_metadata) return restructured_job_data @classmethod def from_dict(cls, job_data: dict[str, Any]) -> RuntimeJobModel: """Creates a RuntimeJobModel instance from a dictionary of job data. Args: job_data (dict): Dictionary containing job data. Returns: RuntimeJobModel: An instance of RuntimeJobModel. """ experiment_type = job_data.pop("experimentType", None) if experiment_type is None: raise ValueError("Experiment type is required in job data.") experiment_type_enum = ExperimentType(experiment_type) job_data["experimentType"] = experiment_type_enum.value time_stamps = job_data.setdefault("timeStamps", {}) created_at = job_data.get("createdAt") if created_at is not None and "createdAt" not in time_stamps: time_stamps["createdAt"] = created_at if "metadata" not in job_data: job_data = cls._populate_metadata(job_data, experiment_type_enum) status = job_data.get("status") if isinstance(status, str): status = JobStatus(status) if isinstance(status, JobStatus): job_data["status"] = status.value job_data.setdefault( "statusText", status.status_message if isinstance(status, JobStatus) else None ) return cls(**job_data)