Source code for qbraid.transpiler.conversions.cirq.cirq_to_qasm2

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

Module for conversions between Cirq Circuits and QASM strings

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

import cirq
import pyqasm
from cirq import ops, value

from qbraid._version import __version__ as qbraid_version
from qbraid.transpiler.annotations import weight

    from qbraid.programs.typer import Qasm2StringType

class ZPowGate(cirq.ZPowGate):
    """A single qubit gate for rotations around the
    Z axis of the Bloch sphere.

    def _qasm_(self, args: cirq.QasmArgs, qubits: tuple[cirq.Qid, ...]) -> Optional[str]:
        if self._global_shift == 0:
            if self._exponent == 0.25:
                return args.format("t {0};\n", qubits[0])
            if self._exponent == -0.25:
                return args.format("tdg {0};\n", qubits[0])
            if self._exponent == 0.5:
                return args.format("s {0};\n", qubits[0])
            if self._exponent == -0.5:
                return args.format("sdg {0};\n", qubits[0])
            if self._exponent == 1:
                return args.format("z {0};\n", qubits[0])
            return args.format("p({0:half_turns}) {1};\n", self._exponent, qubits[0])
        return args.format("rz({0:half_turns}) {1};\n", self._exponent, qubits[0])

def map_zpow_and_unroll(circuit: cirq.Circuit) -> cirq.Circuit:
    """Map ZPowGate to RZ and unroll circuit"""

    def _map_zpow(op: cirq.Operation, _: int) -> cirq.OP_TREE:
        if isinstance(op.gate, cirq.ZPowGate):
            yield ZPowGate(exponent=op.gate.exponent, global_shift=op.gate.global_shift)(
            yield op

    return cirq.map_operations_and_unroll(circuit, _map_zpow)

def _to_qasm_output(
    circuit: cirq.Circuit,
    header: Optional[str] = None,
    precision: int = 10,
    qubit_order: cirq.QubitOrderOrList = ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT,
) -> cirq.QasmOutput:
    """Returns a QASM object equivalent to the circuit.

        header: A multi-line string that is placed in a comment at the top
            of the QASM. Defaults to a cirq version specifier.
        precision: Number of digits to use when representing numbers.
        qubit_order: Determines how qubits are ordered in the QASM
    if header is None:
        header = f"Generated from qBraid v{qbraid_version}"
    qubits = ops.QubitOrder.as_qubit_order(qubit_order).order_for(circuit.all_qubits())
    return cirq.QasmOutput(

[docs] @weight(1) def cirq_to_qasm2( circuit: cirq.Circuit, header: Optional[str] = None, precision: int = 10, qubit_order: cirq.QubitOrderOrList = ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT, ) -> Qasm2StringType: """Returns a QASM string representing the input Cirq circuit. Args: circuit: Cirq circuit to convert to a QASM string. Returns: Qasm2StringType: QASM string equivalent to the input Cirq circuit. """ circuit = map_zpow_and_unroll(circuit) qasm = str(_to_qasm_output(circuit, header, precision, qubit_order)) # format the qasm before returning return pyqasm.dumps(pyqasm.loads(qasm))