Source code for qbraid.load_program

# Copyright (C) 2023 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

Module containing top-level qbraid wrapper functionality. Each of these
functions utilize entrypoints via ``pkg_resources``.

import openqasm3
import pkg_resources

from ._qprogram import QPROGRAM
from .exceptions import QbraidError
from .inspector import get_program_type

def _get_entrypoints(group: str):
    """Returns a dictionary mapping each entry of ``group`` to its loadable entrypoint."""
    return { entry for entry in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group)}

[docs] def circuit_wrapper(program: QPROGRAM): """Apply qbraid quantum program wrapper to a supported quantum program. This function is used to create a qBraid :class:`~qbraid.transpiler.QuantumProgram` object, which can then be transpiled to any supported quantum circuit-building package. The input quantum circuit object must be an instance of a circuit object derived from a supported package. .. code-block:: python cirq_circuit = cirq.Circuit() q0, q1, q2 = [cirq.LineQubit(i) for i in range(3)] ... Please refer to the documentation of the individual qbraid circuit wrapper objects to see any additional arguments that might be supported. Args: circuit (:data:`~qbraid.QPROGRAM`): A supported quantum circuit / program object Returns: :class:`~qbraid.transpiler.QuantumProgram`: A wrapped quantum circuit-like object Raises: :class:`~qbraid.QbraidError`: If the input circuit is not a supported quantum program. """ if isinstance(program, openqasm3.ast.Program): program = openqasm3.dumps(program) try: package = get_program_type(program) except QbraidError as err: raise QbraidError( f"Error applying circuit wrapper to quantum program \ of type {type(program)}" ) from err transpiler_entrypoints = _get_entrypoints("qbraid.programs") if package not in transpiler_entrypoints: raise QbraidError( f"Error applying circuit wrapper to quantum program of type {type(program)}" ) circuit_wrapper_class = transpiler_entrypoints[package].load() return circuit_wrapper_class(program)