Source code for qbraid.providers.device

# Copyright (C) 2023 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

# pylint:disable=invalid-name

Module defining abstract QuantumDevice Class


import json
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict  # pylint: disable=unused-import

from qbraid.api import ApiError, QbraidSession
from qbraid.exceptions import QbraidError
from qbraid.load_program import circuit_wrapper
from qbraid.transpiler.exceptions import CircuitConversionError

from .enums import JobStatus
from .exceptions import ProgramValidationError, QbraidRuntimeError

    import qbraid

[docs] class QuantumDevice(ABC): """Abstract interface for device-like classes."""
[docs] def __init__(self, device: "qbraid.QDEVICE"): """Create a ``QuantumDevice`` object. Args: device (:data:`~.qbraid.QDEVICE`): qBraid Quantum device object """ # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args self._device = device self._id = None self._name = None self._vendor = None self._provider = None self._num_qubits = None self._device_type = None self._run_package = None self._populate_metadata(device)
@property def id(self) -> str: """Return the device ID.""" return self._id @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the device name. Returns: The name of the device. """ return self._name @property def provider(self) -> str: """Return the device provider. Returns: The provider responsible for the device. """ return self._provider @property def vendor(self) -> str: """Return the software vendor name. Returns: The name of the software vendor. """ return self._vendor @property def num_qubits(self) -> int: """The number of qubits supported by the device. Returns: Number of qubits supported by QPU. If Simulator returns None. """ return self._num_qubits @property def device_type(self) -> "qbraid.providers.DeviceType": """The device type, Simulator, Fake_device or QPU. Returns: Device type enum (SIMULATOR|QPU|FAKE) """ return self._device_type @abstractmethod def status(self) -> "qbraid.providers.DeviceStatus": """Return device status.""" @abstractmethod def queue_depth(self) -> int: """Return the number of jobs in the queue for the backend""" @abstractmethod def _populate_metadata(self, device: "qbraid.QDEVICE") -> None: """Populate device metadata with the following fields: * self._id * self._name * self._provider * self._vendor * self._num_qubits * self._device_type """ def metadata(self) -> dict: """Returns device metadata""" return { "id": self._id, "name": self._name, "provider": self._provider, "vendor": self._vendor, "numQubits": self._num_qubits, "deviceType":, "status": self.status().name, "queueDepth": self.queue_depth(), } def __str__(self): return f"{self.vendor} {self.provider} {} device wrapper" def __repr__(self): """String representation of a DeviceWrapper object.""" return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}({self.provider}:'{}')>" def verify_run(self, run_input: "qbraid.QPROGRAM") -> None: """Checks device is online and that circuit num qubits <= device num qubits. Raises: QbraidRuntimeError: If error applying circuit wrapper or circuit number of qubits exceeds device number qubits """ if self.status().value == 1: warnings.warn( "Device is currently offline. Depending on the provider queueing system, " "submitting this job may result in an exception or a long wait time.", UserWarning, ) try: qbraid_circuit = circuit_wrapper(run_input) except QbraidError as err: raise ProgramValidationError from err if self.num_qubits and qbraid_circuit.num_qubits > self.num_qubits: raise ProgramValidationError( f"Number of qubits in circuit ({qbraid_circuit.num_qubits}) exceeds " f"number of qubits in device ({self.num_qubits})." ) def transpile(self, run_input: "qbraid.QPROGRAM") -> "qbraid.QPROGRAM": """Convert circuit to package compatible with target device and pass through any provider transpile methods to match topology of device and/or optimize as applicable. Returns: :data:`~qbraid.QPROGRAM`: Transpiled quantum program (circuit) object Raises: QbraidRuntimeError: If circuit conversion fails """ input_run_package = run_input.__module__.split(".")[0] if input_run_package != self._run_package: qbraid_circuit = circuit_wrapper(run_input) try: run_input = qbraid_circuit.transpile(self._run_package) except CircuitConversionError as err: raise QbraidRuntimeError from err return self._transpile(run_input) def compile(self, run_input: "qbraid.QPROGRAM") -> "qbraid.QPROGRAM": """Compile run input. Returns: :data:`~qbraid.QPROGRAM`: Compiled quantum program (circuit) object Raises: QbraidRuntimeError: If circuit conversion fails """ return self._compile(run_input) def process_run_input( self, run_input: "qbraid.QPROGRAM", auto_compile: bool = False ) -> "qbraid.transpiler.QuantumProgram": """Process quantum program before passing to device run method. Returns: :class:`~qbraid.transpiler.QuantumProgram`: qBraid wrapped quantum program object Raises: QbraidRuntimeError: If error processing run input """ self.verify_run(run_input) run_input = self.transpile(run_input) if auto_compile: run_input = self._compile(run_input) return circuit_wrapper(run_input) def _init_job( self, vendor_job_id: str, circuits: "qbraid.transpiler.QuantumProgram", shots: int, tags: Dict[str, str], ) -> str: """Initialize data dictionary for new qbraid job and create associated MongoDB job document. Args: vendor_job_id: Job ID provided by device vendor circuit: Wrapped quantum circuit list shots: Number of shots Returns: The qbraid job ID associated with this job """ session = QbraidSession() vendor = self.vendor.lower() # One of the features of qBraid Quantum Jobs is the ability to send # jobs without any credentials using the qBraid Lab platform. If the # qBraid Quantum Jobs proxy is enabled, a document has already been # created for this job. So, instead creating a duplicate, we query the # user jobs for the `vendorJobId` and return the correspondong `qbraidJobId`. if session._qbraid_jobs_enabled(vendor): try: job ="/get-user-jobs", json={"vendorJobId": vendor_job_id}).json()[0] return job.get("qbraidJobId", job.get("_id")) except IndexError as err: raise ApiError(f"{self.vendor} job {vendor_job_id} not found") from err # get qBraid device ID. Temporary workaround until we have a better way qbraid_id = session.get("/public/lab/get-devices", params={"objArg":}).json()[0][ "qbraid_id" ] # Create a new document for the user job. The qBraid API creates a unique # Job ID, which is collected in the response. We use dummy variables for # each of the status fields, which will be updated via the `get_job_data` # function upon instantiation of the `QuantumJob` object. init_data = { "qbraidJobId": "", "vendorJobId": vendor_job_id, "qbraidDeviceId": qbraid_id, "vendorDeviceId":, "shots": shots, "tags": json.dumps(tags), "createdAt": datetime.utcnow(), "status": "UNKNOWN", # this will be set after we get back the job ID and check status "qbraidStatus":, "email": session.user_email, } if len(circuits) == 1: init_data["circuitNumQubits"] = circuits[0].num_qubits init_data["circuitDepth"] = circuits[0].depth else: init_data["circuitBatchNumQubits"] = ([circuit.num_qubits for circuit in circuits],) init_data["circuitBatchDepth"] = [circuit.depth for circuit in circuits] return"/init-job", data=init_data).json() @abstractmethod def _transpile(self, run_input): """Applies any software/device specific modifications to run input.""" @abstractmethod def _compile(self, run_input): """Applies any software/device specific modifications to run input.""" @abstractmethod def run(self, run_input: "qbraid.QPROGRAM", *args, **kwargs) -> "qbraid.providers.QuantumJob": """Abstract run method."""