Source code for qbraid.transpiler.converter

# Copyright (C) 2023 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.
Module for transpiling quantum programs between different quantum programming languages

import logging
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, List, Optional

from qbraid._qprogram import QPROGRAM_LIBS
from qbraid.inspector import get_program_type
from qbraid.transpiler.exceptions import (
from qbraid.transpiler.graph import ConversionGraph

    import cirq

    import qbraid

def _warn_if_unsupported(program_type, program_direction):
    if program_type not in QPROGRAM_LIBS:
            f"Converting {program_direction} unsupported program type '{program_type}'.",

def _flatten_cirq(circuit: "cirq.Circuit") -> "cirq.Circuit":
    Flatten a Cirq circuit.

        circuit (cirq.Circuit): The Cirq circuit to flatten.

        cirq.Circuit: The flattened Cirq circuit.
    # TODO: potentially replace with native cirq.decompose

    # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    from cirq.contrib.qasm_import import circuit_from_qasm

    return circuit_from_qasm(circuit.to_qasm())

def _get_path_from_bound_methods(bound_methods: List[Callable]) -> str:
    Constructs a path string from a list of bound methods of Conversion instances.

    This function takes a list of bound methods (specifically 'convert' methods bound to
    Conversion instances) and constructs a path string representing the sequence of
    conversions. Each conversion is defined by the 'source' and 'target' properties of the
    Conversion instance to which each method is bound.

        bound_methods: A list of bound methods from Conversion instances.

        A string representing the path of conversions, formatted as
        'source1 -> source2 -> ... -> targetN'.

        AttributeError: If the bound methods do not have the expected 'source'
                        and 'target' attributes.
        IndexError: If the list of bound methods is empty.
    if not bound_methods:
        raise IndexError("The list of bound methods is empty.")

    path = []
    for method in bound_methods:
        instance = method.__self__  # Get the instance to which the method is bound
        if not hasattr(instance, "source") or not hasattr(instance, "target"):
            raise AttributeError("Bound method instance lacks 'source' or 'target' attributes.")
        path.append(instance.source)  # Add the source node of the instance

    # Add the target of the last method's instance to complete the path

    return " -> ".join(path)

[docs] def convert_to_package( program: "qbraid.QPROGRAM", target: str, conversion_graph: Optional[ConversionGraph] = None, max_path_attempts: int = 3, max_path_depth: Optional[int] = None, ) -> "qbraid.QPROGRAM": """ Transpile a quantum program to a target language using a conversion graph. This function attempts to find a conversion path from the program's current format to the target format. It can limit the search to a certain number of attempts and path depths. Args: program (qbraid.QPROGRAM): The quantum program to transpile. target (str): The target language to transpile to. conversion_graph (Optional[ConversionGraph]): The graph representing available conversions. If None, a default graph is used. Defaults to None. max_path_attempts (int): The maximum number of conversion paths to attempt before raising an exception. This is useful to avoid excessive computations when multiple paths are available. Defaults to 3. max_path_depth (Optional[int]): The maximum depth of conversions within a given path to allow. For example, a path with a depth of 2 would be ['cirq' -> 'qasm2' -> 'qiskit'], whereas a depth of 1 would be a direct conversion ['cirq' -> 'braket']. Defaults to None, i.e. no limit set on the path depth. Returns: qbraid.QPROGRAM: The transpiled quantum program. Raises: NodeNotFoundError: If the target or source package is not in the ConversionGraph. ConversionPathNotFoundError: If no path is available to conversion between the source and target packages. CircuitConversionError: If the conversion fails through all attempted paths. """ graph = conversion_graph or ConversionGraph() graph_type = "Default" if conversion_graph is None else "Provided" if not graph.has_node(target): raise NodeNotFoundError(graph_type, target, graph.nodes) source = get_program_type(program, require_supported=conversion_graph is None) if not graph.has_node(source): raise NodeNotFoundError(graph_type, target, graph.nodes) if not graph.has_path(source, target): raise ConversionPathNotFoundError(source, target) if source == target: return program _warn_if_unsupported(source, "from") _warn_if_unsupported(target, "to") paths = graph.find_top_shortest_conversion_paths(source, target, top_n=max_path_attempts) if max_path_depth is not None: paths = [path for path in paths if len(path) <= max_path_depth] if len(paths) == 0: raise ConversionPathNotFoundError(source, target, max_path_depth) for path in paths: temp_program = deepcopy(program) try: for convert_func in path: try: temp_program = convert_func(temp_program) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught if get_program_type(temp_program) == "cirq": temp_program = _flatten_cirq(temp_program) temp_program = convert_func(temp_program) # Retry conversion else: raise "\nSuccessfully transpiled using conversions: %s", _get_path_from_bound_methods(path), ) return temp_program except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught "\nFailed to transpile using conversions: %s", _get_path_from_bound_methods(path), ) continue raise CircuitConversionError(f"Failed to convert program from '{source}' to '{target}'.")