Source code for qbraid.passes.qasm3.compat

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

Module for providing transforamtions to ensure OpenQASM 3 compatibility
across various other quantum software frameworks.

import math
import re
from functools import reduce

    "iswap": """
gate iswap _gate_q_0, _gate_q_1 {
  s _gate_q_0;
  s _gate_q_1;
  h _gate_q_0;
  cx _gate_q_0, _gate_q_1;
  cx _gate_q_1, _gate_q_0;
  h _gate_q_1;
    "sxdg": """
gate sxdg _gate_q_0 {
  s _gate_q_0;
  h _gate_q_0;
  s _gate_q_0;

[docs] def insert_gate_def(qasm3_str: str, gate_name: str, force_insert: bool = False) -> str: """Add gate definitions to an Open0QASM 3 string. Args: qasm3_str (str): QASM 3.0 string. gate_name (str): Name of the gate to insert. force_insert (bool): If True, the gate definition will be added even if the gate is never referenced. Defaults to False. Returns: str: QASM 3.0 string with gate definition. Raises: ValueError: If the gate definition is not found. """ defn = GATE_DEFINITIONS.get(gate_name) if defn is None: raise ValueError( f"Gate {gate_name} definition not found. " f"Available gate definitions include: {set(GATE_DEFINITIONS.keys())}" ) if not force_insert and gate_name not in qasm3_str: return qasm3_str lines = qasm3_str.splitlines() insert_index = 0 for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "include" in line or "OPENQASM" in line: insert_index = i + 1 break lines.insert(insert_index, defn.strip()) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def replace_gate_name( qasm: str, old_gate_name: str, new_gate_name: str, force_replace: bool = False ) -> str: """ Replace occurrences of a specified gate name in a QASM program string with a new gate name, while optionally enforcing the replacement even if the new gate name isn't in the predefined gate map. Args: qasm (str): The QASM program as a string. old_gate_name (str): The original gate name to replace. new_gate_name (str): The new gate name to use in replacement. force_replace (bool): If True, force the replacement even if the new gate name isn't in the gate map. Returns: str: The modified QASM program with the gate names replaced. """ # Define pairs of interchangeable gates gate_pairs = [ ("cnot", "cx"), ("si", "sdg"), ("ti", "tdg"), ("v", "sx"), ("vi", "sxdg"), ("p", "phaseshift"), ("cp", "cphaseshift"), ] # Create a mapping from each gate to its alternate form gate_map = {old: new for pair in gate_pairs for old, new in (pair, pair[::-1])} parameterized_gates = {"p", "cp", "phaseshift", "cphaseshift"} suffix = "(" if old_gate_name in parameterized_gates else " " # Replace based on gate map and force_replace flag if old_gate_name in gate_map and (gate_map[old_gate_name] == new_gate_name or force_replace): new_gate_name_with_suffix = new_gate_name + suffix old_gate_name_with_suffix = old_gate_name + suffix return qasm.replace(old_gate_name_with_suffix, new_gate_name_with_suffix) if force_replace: return qasm.replace(old_gate_name, new_gate_name) return qasm
[docs] def add_stdgates_include(qasm_str: str) -> str: """Add 'include "";' to the QASM string if it is missing.""" if 'include "";' in qasm_str: return qasm_str lines = qasm_str.splitlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "OPENQASM" in line: lines.insert(i + 1, 'include "";') break return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def remove_stdgates_include(qasm: str) -> str: """Remove 'include "";' from the QASM string.""" return qasm.replace('include "";', "")
def _evaluate_expression(match): """Helper function for simplifying arithmetic expressions within parentheses.""" expr = try: simplified_value = eval(expr) # pylint: disable=eval-used return f"({simplified_value})" except SyntaxError: return def simplify_arithmetic_expressions(qasm_str: str) -> str: """Simplifies arithmetic expressions within parentheses in a QASM string.""" pattern = r"\(([0-9+\-*/. ]+)\)" return re.sub(pattern, _evaluate_expression, qasm_str)
[docs] def convert_qasm_pi_to_decimal(qasm_str: str) -> str: """Convert all instances of 'pi' in the QASM string to their decimal value.""" pattern = r"(\d*\.?\d*\s*[*/+-]\s*)?pi(\s*[*/+-]\s*\d*\.?\d*)?" # pattern = r"(\d*\.?\d*\s*[*/+-]\s*)*pi(\s*[*/+-]\s*\d*\.?\d*)*" # pattern = r"([+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?)?\s*[*/]\s*)*pi(\s*[*/+-]\s*[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?)?)*" def replace_with_decimal(match): expr = expr_with_pi_as_decimal = expr.replace("pi", str(math.pi)) try: value = eval(expr_with_pi_as_decimal) # pylint: disable=eval-used except SyntaxError: return expr return str(value) return re.sub(pattern, replace_with_decimal, qasm_str)
def has_redundant_parentheses(qasm_str: str) -> bool: """Checks if a QASM string contains gate parameters with redundant parentheses.""" pattern = r"\w+\(\(\s*[-+]?\d+(\.\d*)?\s*\)\)" if, qasm_str): return True pattern_neg = r"\w+\(-\(\d*\.?\d+\)\)" if, qasm_str): return True return False def simplify_parentheses_in_qasm(qasm_str: str) -> str: """Simplifies unnecessary parentheses around numbers in QASM strings.""" lines = qasm_str.splitlines() simplified_lines = [] pattern = r"\(\s*([-+]?\s*\d+(\.\d*)?)\s*\)" def simplify(match): return" ", "") for line in lines: if has_redundant_parentheses(line): line = re.sub(pattern, simplify, line) simplified_lines.append(line) return "\n".join(simplified_lines) def compose(*functions): """Compose multiple functions left to right.""" def compose_two(f, g): return lambda x: g(f(x)) return reduce(compose_two, functions, lambda x: x)
[docs] def normalize_qasm_gate_params(qasm: str) -> str: """Normalize the parameters of the gates in the QASM string using function composition.""" transform_qasm = compose( convert_qasm_pi_to_decimal, simplify_arithmetic_expressions, simplify_parentheses_in_qasm ) return transform_qasm(qasm)