Source code for qbraid.runtime.braket.result

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

Module defining BraketGateModelJobResult Class

from collections import Counter

import numpy as np
from braket.tasks.analog_hamiltonian_simulation_quantum_task_result import (

from qbraid.runtime.exceptions import QbraidRuntimeError
from qbraid.runtime.result import GateModelJobResult, QuantumJobResult

class ResultDecodingError(QbraidRuntimeError):
    """Exception raised for errors that occur during the decoding of result data."""

[docs] class BraketGateModelJobResult(GateModelJobResult): """Wrapper class for Amazon Braket result objects.""" def measurements(self): """ 2d array - row is shot and column is qubit. Default is None. Only available when shots > 0. The qubits in `measurements` are the ones in `GateModelQuantumTaskResult.measured_qubits`. """ return np.flip(self._result.measurements, 1) def raw_counts(self, **kwargs): """Returns the histogram data of the run""" braket_counts = dict(self._result.measurement_counts) qbraid_counts = {} for key in braket_counts: str_key = "".join(reversed([str(i) for i in key])) qbraid_counts[str_key] = braket_counts[key] return qbraid_counts
[docs] class BraketAhsJobResult(QuantumJobResult): """Result from an Analog Hamiltonian Simulation (AHS).""" def measurements(self): """Get the list of shot results from the AHS job.""" measurements = [] for measurement in self._result.measurements: status = AnalogHamiltonianSimulationShotStatus(measurement.shotMetadata.shotStatus) if measurement.shotResult.preSequence: pre_sequence = np.asarray(measurement.shotResult.preSequence, dtype=int) else: pre_sequence = None if measurement.shotResult.postSequence: post_sequence = np.asarray(measurement.shotResult.postSequence, dtype=int) else: post_sequence = None measurements.append(ShotResult(status, pre_sequence, post_sequence)) return measurements def get_counts(self) -> dict[str, int]: """ Aggregate state counts from AHS shot results. This function decodes the state of atoms at different sites based on pre- and post-measurement sequences. Each atom can be in one of three states: empty site ('e'), Rydberg state ('r'), or ground state ('g'). Returns: Optional[dict[str, int]]: A dictionary mapping each unique state configuration to the count of its occurrences across all successful shots, or None if there are no successful measurements. Raises: ValueError: If there is an error accessing required attributes within the result object. """ state_counts = Counter() states = ["e", "r", "g"] try: for shot in self.measurements(): if == "SUCCESS": pre = shot.pre_sequence post = shot.post_sequence # converting presequence and postsequence measurements to state_idx state_idx = [ 0 if pre_i == 0 else 1 if post_i == 0 else 2 for pre_i, post_i in zip(pre, post) ] state = "".join(states[s_idx] for s_idx in state_idx) state_counts.update([state]) except AttributeError as err: raise ResultDecodingError from err return None if not state_counts else dict(state_counts)