Source code for qbraid.runtime.enums

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

Module defining all :mod:`~qbraid.runtime` enumerated types.

from enum import Enum

[docs] class DeviceType(Enum): """ Enumeration for different types of quantum computing devices. Attributes: QPU (str): A Quantum Processing Unit (QPU) hardware device located remotely. SIMULATOR (str): A simulator that runs on remote servers. LOCAL_SIMULATOR (str): A simulator that runs locally on the user's machine. """ QPU = "QPU" SIMULATOR = "SIMULATOR" LOCAL_SIMULATOR = "LOCAL_SIMULATOR"
[docs] class DeviceActionType(Enum): """ Enumeration for different quantum device action types Attributes: OPENQASM (str): Actions compatible with OpenQASM. AHS (str): Actions using analog Hamiltonian simulation. """ OPENQASM = "OpenQASM" AHS = "Analog Hamiltonian Simulation"
[docs] class DeviceStatus(Enum): """Enumeration for representing various operational statuses of devices. Attributes: ONLINE (str): Device is online and accepting jobs. UNAVAILABLE (str): Device is online but not accepting jobs. OFFLINE (str): Device is offline. RETIRED (str): Device has been retired and is no longer operational. """ ONLINE = "online" UNAVAILABLE = "unavailable" OFFLINE = "offline" RETIRED = "retired"
[docs] class JobStatus(Enum): """Class for the status of processes (i.e. jobs / quantum tasks) resulting from any :meth:`` method. Attributes: INITIALIZING (str): job is being initialized QUEUED (str): job is queued VALIDATING (str): job is being validated RUNNING (str): job is actively running CANCELLING (str): job is being cancelled CANCELLED (str): job has been cancelled COMPLETED (str): job has successfully run FAILED (str): job failed / incurred error UNKNOWN (str): job status is unknown/undetermined """ INITIALIZING = "job is being initialized" QUEUED = "job is queued" VALIDATING = "job is being validated" RUNNING = "job is actively running" CANCELLING = "job is being cancelled" CANCELLED = "job has been cancelled" COMPLETED = "job has successfully run" FAILED = "job failed / incurred error" UNKNOWN = "job status is unknown/undetermined"