Source code for qbraid.runtime.ionq.device

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

# pylint:disable=invalid-name

Module defining IonQ device class

import json
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import openqasm3

from qbraid.passes.qasm3.compat import convert_qasm_pi_to_decimal
from qbraid.programs import load_program
from qbraid.runtime.device import QuantumDevice
from qbraid.runtime.enums import DeviceStatus

from .job import IonQJob

    import qbraid.runtime
    import qbraid.runtime.ionq.provider

[docs] class IonQDevice(QuantumDevice): """IonQ quantum device interface."""
[docs] def __init__( self, profile: "qbraid.runtime.TargetProfile", session: "qbraid.runtime.ionq.provider.IonQSession", ): super().__init__(profile=profile) self._session = session
@property def session(self) -> "qbraid.runtime.ionq.provider.IonQSession": """Return the IonQ session.""" return self._session def status(self) -> "qbraid.runtime.DeviceStatus": """Return the current status of the IonQ device.""" device_data = self.session.get_device( status = device_data.get("status") if status in ["available", "running"]: return DeviceStatus.ONLINE if status in ["unavailable", "reserved", "calibrating"]: return DeviceStatus.UNAVAILABLE if status == "offline": return DeviceStatus.OFFLINE raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized device status: {status}") @staticmethod def extract_gate_data(program: "openqasm3.ast.Program") -> list[dict]: """Extract gate data from the input program.""" gates = [] for statement in program.statements: if isinstance(statement, openqasm3.ast.QuantumGate): name = qubits = statement.qubits qubit_values = [] for qubit in qubits: _ = indices = qubit.indices for index in indices: qubit_values.extend(literal.value for literal in index) # support gates defined in `` from OpenQASM 3 if len(qubit_values) == 1: # IonQ supported gates: if name in ["x", "not", "y", "z", "h", "s", "si", "t", "ti", "v", "vi"]: gate_data = {"gate": name, "target": qubit_values[0]} elif name in ["rx", "ry", "rz"]: # convert "rz(3 * pi / 4) q[0];" to "3 * pi / 4" angle_str = re.findall(r"\((.+)\)", openqasm3.dumps(statement))[0] gate_data = { "gate": name, "target": qubit_values[0], "rotation": float(convert_qasm_pi_to_decimal(angle_str)), } # OpenQASM 3 aliases: elif name == "sdg": gate_data = {"gate": "si", "target": qubit_values[0]} elif name == "tdg": gate_data = {"gate": "ti", "target": qubit_values[0]} elif name == "sx": gate_data = {"gate": "v", "target": qubit_values[0]} elif name == "sxdg": gate_data = {"gate": "vi", "target": qubit_values[0]} else: raise NotImplementedError(f"'{name}' gate not yet supported") elif len(qubit_values) == 2: if name in ["cnot", "cx", "CX"]: gate_data = { "gate": "cnot", "control": qubit_values[0], "target": qubit_values[1], } elif name == "swap": gate_data = { "gate": "swap", "targets": qubit_values, } else: raise NotImplementedError(f"'{name}' gate not yet supported") elif len(qubit_values) == 3: if name in ["ccx", "toffoli"]: gate_data = { "gate": "cnot", "controls": qubit_values[:2], "target": qubit_values[2], } else: raise NotImplementedError(f"'{name}' gate not yet supported") gates.append(gate_data) return gates def transform(self, run_input: "openqasm3.ast.Program") -> dict: """Transform the input to the IonQ device.""" program = load_program(run_input) program.transform(device=self) num_qubits = program.num_qubits gate_data = self.extract_gate_data(program.parsed()) return {"qubits": num_qubits, "circuit": gate_data} def submit(self, run_input: list[dict], *args, shots: int = 100, **kwargs) -> IonQJob: """Submit a job to the IonQ device.""" is_single_input = not isinstance(run_input, list) run_input = [run_input] if is_single_input else run_input jobs = [] for input_data in run_input: data = { "target":, "shots": shots, "input": input_data, **kwargs, } serialized_data = json.dumps(data) job_data = self.session.create_job(serialized_data) job_id = job_data.get("id") if not job_id: raise ValueError("Job ID not found in the response") qbraid_job = IonQJob(job_id=job_id, session=self.session, device=self, shots=shots) jobs.append(qbraid_job) return jobs[0] if is_single_input else jobs