Source code for qbraid.transpiler.graph

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
# THERE IS NO WARRANTY for the qBraid-SDK, as per Section 15 of the GPL v3.

Module providing tools to map, analyze, and visualize conversion paths between different
quantum programs available through the qbraid.transpiler using directed graphs.

from importlib import import_module
from typing import Callable, Optional

import rustworkx as rx

from .edge import Conversion
from .exceptions import ConversionPathNotFoundError

[docs] class ConversionGraph(rx.PyDiGraph): """ Class for coordinating conversions between different quantum software programs """ # avoid passing arguments to rx.PyDiGraph.__new__() when inheriting def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return super().__new__(cls) # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
[docs] def __init__( self, conversions: Optional[list[Conversion]] = None, require_native: bool = False ): """ Initialize a ConversionGraph instance. Args: conversions (optional, list[Conversion]): List of conversion edges. If None, default conversion edges are used. require_native (bool): If True, only include "native" conversion functions. Defaults to False. """ super().__init__() self.require_native = require_native self._conversions = conversions or self.load_default_conversions() self._node_alias_id_map = {} self.create_conversion_graph()
@staticmethod def load_default_conversions() -> list[Conversion]: """ Create a list of default conversion nodes using predefined conversion functions. Returns: list[Conversion]: List of default conversion edges. """ transpiler = import_module("qbraid.transpiler.conversions") conversion_functions = getattr(transpiler, "conversion_functions", []) return [ Conversion(*conversion.split("_to_"), getattr(transpiler, conversion)) for conversion in conversion_functions ] def create_conversion_graph(self) -> None: """ Create a directed graph from a list of conversion functions. Returns: None """ for edge in ( e for e in self._conversions if e.supported and (not self.require_native or e.native) ): if edge.source not in self._node_alias_id_map: self._node_alias_id_map[edge.source] = self.add_node(edge.source) if not in self._node_alias_id_map: self._node_alias_id_map[] = self.add_node( self.add_edge( self._node_alias_id_map[edge.source], self._node_alias_id_map[], {"native": edge.native, "func": edge.convert, "weight": edge.weight}, ) def has_node(self, node: str) -> bool: """ Check if a node exists in the graph. Args: node (str): The node to check. Returns: bool: True if the node exists, False otherwise. """ return node in set(self.nodes()) def has_edge(self, node_a: str, node_b: str) -> bool: """ Check if an edge exists between two nodes in the graph. Args: node_a (str): The source node. node_b (str): The target node. Returns: bool: True if the edge exists, False otherwise. """ if not self.has_node(node_a) or not self.has_node(node_b): return False return super().has_edge(self._node_alias_id_map[node_a], self._node_alias_id_map[node_b]) def conversions(self) -> list[Conversion]: """ Get the list of conversion edges. Returns: list[Conversion]: The conversion edges of the graph. """ return self._conversions def add_conversion(self, edge: Conversion, overwrite: bool = False) -> None: """ Add a new conversion function as an edge in the graph. Args: edge (qbraid.interface.Conversion): The conversion edge to add to the graph. overwrite (optional, bool): If True, overwrites an existing conversion. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: If the conversion already exists and overwrite_existing is False. """ source, target = edge.source, if self.has_edge(source, target) and not overwrite: raise ValueError( f"Conversion from {source} to {target} already exists. " "Set overwrite=True to overwrite." ) for old_edge in self._conversions: if old_edge.source == source and == target: self._conversions.remove(old_edge) self.remove_edge( self._node_alias_id_map[source], self._node_alias_id_map[target], ) break self._conversions.append(edge) if source not in self._node_alias_id_map: self._node_alias_id_map[source] = self.add_node(source) if target not in self._node_alias_id_map: self._node_alias_id_map[target] = self.add_node(target) self.add_edge( self._node_alias_id_map[source], self._node_alias_id_map[target], {"native": edge.native, "func": edge.convert, "weight": edge.weight}, ) def remove_conversion(self, source: str, target: str) -> None: """Safely remove a conversion from the graph.""" if self.has_edge(source, target): self.remove_edge(self._node_alias_id_map[source], self._node_alias_id_map[target]) else: raise ValueError(f"Conversion from {source} to {target} does not exist.") self._conversions = [ conv for conv in self._conversions.copy() if not (conv.source == source and == target) ] def find_shortest_conversion_path(self, source: str, target: str) -> list[Callable]: """ Find the shortest conversion path between two nodes in a graph. Args: source (str): The starting node for the path. target (str): The target node for the path. Returns: list of Callable: The shortest conversion path as a list of bound methods of Conversion instances. Raises: ValueError: If no path is found between source and target. """ path = rx.dijkstra_shortest_paths( self, self._node_alias_id_map[source], target=self._node_alias_id_map[target], weight_fn=lambda edge: edge["weight"], ) if len(path) == 0: raise ConversionPathNotFoundError(source, target) return [ self.get_edge_data( path[self._node_alias_id_map[target]][i], path[self._node_alias_id_map[target]][i + 1], )["func"] for i in range(len(path[self._node_alias_id_map[target]]) - 1) ] def find_top_shortest_conversion_paths( self, source: str, target: str, top_n: int = 3 ) -> list[list[Callable]]: """ Find the top shortest conversion paths between two nodes in a graph. Args: source (str): The starting node for the path. target (str): The target node for the path. top_n (int): Number of top shortest paths to find. Returns: list of list of Callable: The top shortest conversion paths. Raises: ValueError: If no path is found between source and target. """ all_paths = rx.all_simple_paths( self, self._node_alias_id_map[source], self._node_alias_id_map[target] ) # rx.all_simple_paths returns an empty list if no path is found if len(all_paths) == 0: raise ConversionPathNotFoundError(source, target) sorted_paths = sorted(all_paths, key=len)[:top_n] return [ [self.get_edge_data(path[i], path[i + 1])["func"] for i in range(len(path) - 1)] for path in sorted_paths ] def has_path(self, source: str, target: str) -> bool: """ Check if a conversion between two languages is supported. Args: source (str): The source language. target (str): The target language. Returns: bool: True if the conversion is supported, False otherwise. """ if source == target: return True source_node = self._node_alias_id_map.get(source) target_node = self._node_alias_id_map.get(target) if source_node is None or target_node is None: return False return rx.has_path(self, source_node, target_node) def shortest_path(self, source: str, target: str) -> str: """ Return string representation of the shortest conversion path between two nodes. Args: source (str): The starting node for the path. target (str): The target node for the path. Returns: str: String representation of shortest conversion path. Raises: ConversionPathNotFoundError: If no path is found between source and target. """ path = self.find_shortest_conversion_path(source, target) return self._get_path_from_bound_methods(path) def all_paths(self, source: str, target: str) -> list[str]: """ Return string representations of all conversion paths between two nodes. Args: source (str): The starting node for the path. target (str): The target node for the path. Returns: list[str]: String representations of all conversion paths. Raises: ConversionPathNotFoundError: If no path is found between source and target. """ num_conversions = len(self.conversions()) paths = self.find_top_shortest_conversion_paths(source, target, top_n=num_conversions) return [self._get_path_from_bound_methods(path) for path in paths] def reset(self, conversions: Optional[list[Conversion]] = None) -> None: """ Reset the graph to its default state. Returns: None """ self.clear() self._conversions = conversions or self.load_default_conversions() self._node_alias_id_map = {} self.create_conversion_graph() def copy(self): """ Create a copy of this graph, returning a new instance of ConversionGraph. """ copied_conversions = self._conversions.copy() if self._conversions is not None else None return ConversionGraph(copied_conversions, self.require_native) def __eq__(self, value: object) -> bool: return ( super().__eq__(value) and self.conversions() == value.conversions() and self.require_native == value.require_native and self._node_alias_id_map == value._node_alias_id_map ) @staticmethod def _get_path_from_bound_methods(bound_methods: list[Callable]) -> str: """ Constructs a path string from a list of bound methods of Conversion instances. This function takes a list of bound methods (specifically 'convert' methods bound to Conversion instances) and constructs a path string representing the sequence of conversions. Each conversion is defined by the 'source' and 'target' properties of the Conversion instance to which each method is bound. Args: bound_methods: A list of bound methods from Conversion instances. Returns: A string representing the path of conversions, formatted as 'source1 -> source2 -> ... -> targetN'. Raises: AttributeError: If the bound methods do not have the expected 'source' and 'target' attributes. IndexError: If the list of bound methods is empty. """ if not bound_methods: raise IndexError("The list of bound methods is empty.") path = [] for method in bound_methods: instance = method.__self__ # Get the instance to which the method is bound if not hasattr(instance, "source") or not hasattr(instance, "target"): raise AttributeError("Bound method instance lacks 'source' or 'target' attributes.") path.append(instance.source) # Add the source node of the instance # Add the target of the last method's instance to complete the path path.append(bound_methods[-1] return " -> ".join(path) def plot(self, **kwargs): """ Plot the conversion graph. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments for the plot function. Returns: None """ # pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel from qbraid.visualization.plot_conversions import plot_conversion_graph plot_conversion_graph(self, **kwargs)