Source code for qbraid_qir.cirq.visitor

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Module defining CirqVisitor.

import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import cirq
import pyqir
import pyqir._native
import pyqir.rt
from pyqir import BasicBlock, Builder, Constant, IntType, PointerType

from .elements import CirqModule
from .opsets import map_cirq_op_to_pyqir_callable

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CircuitElementVisitor(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def visit_register(self, qids):

    def visit_operation(self, operation):

[docs] class BasicCirqVisitor(CircuitElementVisitor): """A visitor for basic cirq.Circuit elements. This class is designed to traverse and interact with elements in a quantum circuit. Args: initialize_runtime (bool): If True, quantum runtime will be initialized. Defaults to True. record_output (bool): If True, output of the circuit will be recorded. Defaults to True. """
[docs] def __init__(self, initialize_runtime: bool = True, record_output: bool = True): self._module: pyqir.Module self._builder: pyqir.Builder self._entry_point: str self._qubit_labels: dict[cirq.Qid, int] = {} self._measured_qubits: dict = {} self._initialize_runtime = initialize_runtime self._record_output = record_output
def visit_cirq_module(self, module: CirqModule) -> None: logger.debug("Visiting Cirq module '%s' (%d)",, module.num_qubits) self._module = module.module context = self._module.context entry = pyqir.entry_point(self._module,, module.num_qubits, module.num_clbits) self._entry_point = self._builder = Builder(context) self._builder.insert_at_end(BasicBlock(context, "entry", entry)) if self._initialize_runtime is True: i8p = PointerType(IntType(context, 8)) nullptr = Constant.null(i8p) pyqir.rt.initialize(self._builder, nullptr) @property def entry_point(self) -> str: return self._entry_point def finalize(self) -> None: self._builder.ret(None) def record_output(self, module: CirqModule) -> None: if self._record_output is False: return i8p = PointerType(IntType(self._module.context, 8)) for i in range(module.num_qubits): result_ref = pyqir.result(self._module.context, i) pyqir.rt.result_record_output(self._builder, result_ref, Constant.null(i8p)) def visit_register(self, qids: list[cirq.Qid]) -> None: logger.debug("Visiting qids '%s'", str(qids)) if not all(isinstance(x, cirq.Qid) for x in qids): raise TypeError("All elements in the list must be of type cirq.Qid.") self._qubit_labels.update({bit: n + len(self._qubit_labels) for n, bit in enumerate(qids)}) logger.debug("Added labels for qubits %s", str(qids)) def visit_operation(self, operation: cirq.Operation) -> None: qlabels = [self._qubit_labels[bit] for bit in operation.qubits] qubits = [pyqir.qubit(self._module.context, n) for n in qlabels] results = [pyqir.result(self._module.context, n) for n in qlabels] def handle_measurement(pyqir_func): logger.debug("Visiting measurement operation '%s'", str(operation)) for qubit, result in zip(qubits, results): self._measured_qubits[pyqir.qubit_id(qubit)] = True pyqir_func(self._builder, qubit, result) # dealing with conditional gates if isinstance(operation, cirq.ClassicallyControlledOperation): op_conds = operation._conditions # list of measurement keys conditions = [ pyqir.result(self._module.context, int(op_conds[i].keys[0].name)) for i in range(len(op_conds)) ] regular_op = operation.without_classical_controls() temp_pyqir_func, op_str = map_cirq_op_to_pyqir_callable(regular_op) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda-assignment if op_str in ["Rx", "Ry", "Rz"]: pyqir_func = lambda: temp_pyqir_func( self._builder, operation._sub_operation.gate._rads, # type: ignore[union-attr] *qubits, ) else: pyqir_func = lambda: temp_pyqir_func(self._builder, *qubits) def _branch(conds, pyqir_func): if len(conds) == 0: temp_id, _ = map_cirq_op_to_pyqir_callable(cirq.I) passable_identity = lambda: temp_id(self._builder, *qubits) return passable_identity return pyqir._native.if_result( self._builder, conds[0], zero=_branch(conds[1:], pyqir_func), one=pyqir_func, ) _branch(conditions, pyqir_func) else: pyqir_func, op_str = map_cirq_op_to_pyqir_callable(operation) if op_str.startswith("measure"): handle_measurement(pyqir_func) elif op_str in ["Rx", "Ry", "Rz"]: pyqir_func(self._builder, operation.gate._rads, *qubits) # type: ignore[union-attr] else: pyqir_func(self._builder, *qubits) def ir(self) -> str: return str(self._module)