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qBraid-SDK extension providing support for QIR conversions.




Python package for generating QIR (Quantum Intermediate Representation) programs from various high-level quantum programming languages. This project acts as an extension to the qBraid-SDK transpiler, opening the door to language-specific conversions from any of the 10+ quantum program types supported by qbraid.

> “Interoperability opens doors to cross-fields problem-solving.” - QIR Alliance: Why do we need it?.


qBraid-QIR requires Python 3.9 or greater. The base package can be installed with pip as follows:

pip install qbraid-qir

To enable specific conversions such as OpenQASM 3 to QIR or Cirq to QIR, you can install one or both extras:

pip install 'qbraid-qir[qasm3,cirq]'
