Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2024 qBraid
# This file is part of the qBraid-SDK
# The qBraid-SDK is free software released under the GNU General Public License v3
# or later. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL v3.
# See the LICENSE file in the project root or <>.
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Module defining AzureQuantumJob class

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union

from import MicrosoftEstimatorResult
from azure.quantum.workspace import Workspace

from qbraid._logging import logger
from import AzureGateModelResultBuilder
from qbraid.runtime.enums import JobStatus
from qbraid.runtime.exceptions import JobStateError
from qbraid.runtime.job import QuantumJob
from qbraid.runtime.result import Result
from qbraid.runtime.result_data import GateModelResultData

from .io_format import OutputDataFormat

    import azure.quantum

[docs] class AzureQuantumJob(QuantumJob): """Azure job class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, job_id: str, workspace: Optional[Workspace] = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(job_id=job_id, **kwargs) self._workspace = workspace or Workspace() self._job = self.workspace.get_job(
@property def workspace(self) -> azure.quantum.Workspace: """Return the Azure Quantum Workspace.""" return self._workspace def _details(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the details of the Azure job and update the metadata cache.""" self._job.refresh() details = self._job.details.as_dict() self._cache_metadata["details"] = details return details def status(self) -> JobStatus: """Return the current status of the Azure job. Returns: JobStatus: The current status of the job. """ details: dict = self._details() status: str = details.get("status") status_map = { "Succeeded": JobStatus.COMPLETED, "Waiting": JobStatus.QUEUED, "Executing": JobStatus.RUNNING, "Failed": JobStatus.FAILED, "Cancelled": JobStatus.CANCELLED, "Finishing": JobStatus.RUNNING, } return status_map.get(status, JobStatus.UNKNOWN) @staticmethod def _make_estimator_result(data: dict[str, Any]) -> MicrosoftEstimatorResult: """Create a MicrosoftEstimatorResult from the given data. Args: data (dict): The data to create the result from. Returns: MicrosoftEstimatorResult: The result created from the data. Raises: RuntimeError: If the job execution failed. """ if not data["success"]: error_data = data["error_data"] raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot retrieve results as job execution failed " f"({error_data['code']}: {error_data['message']})" ) result_data = data["data"] return MicrosoftEstimatorResult(result_data) def result(self) -> Union[Result, MicrosoftEstimatorResult]: """Return the result of the Azure job. Returns: Union[Result, MicrosoftEstimatorResult]: The result of the job. """ if not self.is_terminal_state():"Result will be available when job has reached final state.") job: azure.quantum.Job = self._job job.wait_until_completed() success = job.details.status == "Succeeded" details = job.details.as_dict() if job.details.output_data_format == OutputDataFormat.RESOURCE_ESTIMATOR.value: return self._make_estimator_result( { "job_id":, "target":, "job_name":, "success": success, "data": job.get_results(), "error_data": ( None if job.details.error_data is None else job.details.error_data.as_dict() ), } ) builder = AzureGateModelResultBuilder(job) data = GateModelResultData(measurement_counts=builder.get_counts()) return Result(,, success=success, data=data, **details ) def cancel(self) -> None: """Cancel the Azure job.""" if self.is_terminal_state(): raise JobStateError("Cannot cancel; job in terminal state.") self._job = self.workspace.cancel_job(self._job)